Distribuţia produselor agroalimentare: realităţi şi perspective
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Accesul la pieţele internaţionale este unul dintre domeniile cheie ale managementului din mileniul trei. Realizarea şi menţinerea accesului pe piaţă depinde în mare măsură de o gestionare judicioasă ale canalelor de distribuţie, privite ca un proces interactiv între producător şi intermediari, oricare dintre ei fiind în măsură să domine consumatorul final. Pentru multe întreprinderi, cum ar fi "ASCONI" SRL, costurile de producţie sunt mult mai mici, decât cheltuielile ce ţin de penetrarea pe piaţă cu acest produs. Prin urmare, producătorii doresc să excludă intermediarii, având în vedere că serviciile acestora sunt prea scumpe.
The access to international markets is one of the key areas of the third millennium management. Attaining and maintaining market access depends largely on the judicious management of the distribution channels that should be viewed as an interactive process between the producer and the intermediate, any of them being able to dominate the final consumer. For many enterprises, like ”ASCONI” Ltd., product manufacturing costs much less than bringing this product on the market. Therefore, producers want to exclude intermediaries, considering that their services are too expensive.
The access to international markets is one of the key areas of the third millennium management. Attaining and maintaining market access depends largely on the judicious management of the distribution channels that should be viewed as an interactive process between the producer and the intermediate, any of them being able to dominate the final consumer. For many enterprises, like ”ASCONI” Ltd., product manufacturing costs much less than bringing this product on the market. Therefore, producers want to exclude intermediaries, considering that their services are too expensive.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 108 (5 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. Recenzent: Alexandru GRIBINCEA, dr. hab., ULIM.
produse agroalimentare, agri-food products, concentrare, distributie, scumpire, intermediari, concentration, distribution, expensive, integration, intermediate
GANGAN, Svetlana, DOGA, Valeriu. Distribuţia produselor agroalimentare: realităţi şi perspective = Agri-food products distribution: realities and prospects. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2011, nr. 2, pp. 101-108. ISSN 1857-4130.