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Item Estimarea costurilor producţiei știinţifice rezultate din proiecte din cadrul Programului de Stat (2020-2023) din Republica Moldova(2023) Railean, Veronica; Timus, AngelaThe purpose of the study is to describe a method for estimating the investment and capitalization costs related to the scientifi c products obtained in the organizations belonging to the research sector of the Republic of Moldova. The general research methods are: offi ce research, deduction and induction, mathematical-analytical. The paper presents an analysis of the estimation of costs for scientifi c products based on strategic priorities, as well as a case study on the estimation of the capitalization costs of the scientifi c results of a project from the State Program for the years 2020-2022. The result of the research shows that depending on the strategic priority, the average cost per scientifi c result varies, and the total cost of the State Program is 39.9 thousand MDL per scientifi c result. Scopul studiului constă în descrierea metodei de estimare a costurilor de investiţii și de capitalizare aferente producţiei știinţifi ce obţinute la organizaţiile care fac parte din sectorul de cercetare din Republica Moldova. Metodele generale de cercetare sunt: cea a cercetării de birou, cea a deducţiei și inducţiei, precum și cea matematico-analitică. În lucrare sunt prezentate o analiză a estimării costurilor producţiei știinţifi ce pe priorităţi strategice, precum și un studiu de caz privind estimarea costurilor de capitalizare ale rezultatelor știinţifi ce ale unui proiect din Programul de Stat pentru anii 2020-2022. În urma cercetării se constată că, în funcţie de prioritatea strategică, costul mediu per rezultat știinţifi c variază, iar costul total pe Programul de Stat constituie 39,9 mii lei per rezultat știinţific.Item International Experience of Environmental Taxes and Its Implications for the Republic of Moldova(2023) Timus, Angela; Chironachi, CorinaThеrе is a growing trend towards a grееn еconomy duе to incrеasing еnvironmеntal and climatе risks. As a rеsult, countriеs arе forcеd to dеvеlop fiscal policiеs that takе into account thе climatе agеnda. This papеr analyzеs how diffеrеnt countriеs implеmеnt еnvironmеntal taxеs to guidе thе dеvеlopmеnt and improvеmеnt of thе еnvironmеntal tax systеm in thе Rеpublic of Moldova. Thе papеr еxaminеs thе main catеgoriеs of еnvironmеntal taxеs in diffеrеnt countriеs, analyzеs thе еconomic impact of еnvironmеntal protеction basеd on forеign еxpеriеncе, and еxplorеs potеntial approachеs to еnvironmеntal tax rеform in thе Rеpublic of Moldova.Item Investment activity under financial instability in Republic of Moldova(Tehnopress, 2013) Timus, Angela; Perciun, Rodica; Clipa, VictoriaThe investment climate has a direct and immediate effect on business activity, reflected in economic and investment activities at the country level. In the article, the economic and financial analysis is tracked through the system of macroeconomic indicators: GDP, gross capital formation, investment in fixed capital and other indicators.Item The insurance market of the Republic of Moldova in terms of investment potential(“Victor Slăvescu” Centre for Financial and Monetary Research, 2013) Timus, Angela; Ungur, CristinaThe financial market of the Republic of Moldova has been characterized by a high degree of uncertainty during the last years. The political instability had its consequences causing disturbances, especially on the bank market. At the same time, the global financial crisis has had a direct impact on the national financial market as well, reducing thus the investment potential in the bank and non-bank financial sector, especially of the foreign investors. Notwithstanding the insurance market of the Republic of Moldova has registered a growth during this period. The paper presents an analysis of the insurance market in terms of its investment potential and tries to explain the behavior of the insurance products’ consumers in the conditions of the actual financial and economic crisis.Item Investiţiile în dezvoltarea economică a Republicii Moldova: rolul, impactul şi semnificaţia acestora(IEFS, 2011) Timus, Angela; Perciun, RodicaInvestiţiile au un rol hotărâtor în crearea unei economii de piaţă funcţionale, compatibile cu principiile, normele, mecanismele, instituţiile şi politicile Uniunii Europene, vizează în principal asigurarea unei creşteri economice durabile, promovarea unei politici investiţionale coerente, crearea unui mediu de afaceri prielnic, modernizarea şi dezvoltarea durabilă a întregii vieţi social-economice.Item Inovarea şi creşterea economică în Republica Moldova(IEFS, 2011) Naval, Elvira; Timus, AngelaModelul de creştere endogenă de tipul Paul Romer, ce permite comensurarea cunoştinţelor şi inovaţiilor a fost adaptat la condiţiile Republicii Moldova. În acest model sectorul Cercetare-dezvoltare este examinat în calitate de sector de producţie separat, care utilizează cunoştinţele ca factor de producere pentru sporirea productivităţii marginale. În acest model se arată că o creştere economică echilibrată este determinată de randamentul brevetului de invenţie şi rata de discont dar şi de parametri politicii statului în domeniul inovaţiilor.Item Central banks forecasting models and policy analysis systems in a new era(INCE, 2016) Staritina, Ludmila; Timus, Angela; Sadoveanu, DianaForecasts have a great importance in the monetary policy formulation and implementation process. In this paper we aimed to close the gap between the research and practice in the matters related to forecasting and policy analysis systems applied by central banks. Particularly, we relied on the structure of the basic framework for policy analysis, their theoretical background and main processes which they imply. We focused on the FPSA developed by central banks from CEE countries, inclusively by the National Bank of Moldova, namely its construction for short-term and mid-term forecasts.