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Item Tehnologiile IoT care penetreaza IMM sportive(Artifex, 2021) Gribincea, Alexandru; Abu Ahmad, Muhammad; Gribincea, Alexandru A.; Birca, IulitaThe development of ubiquitous networks of connected sensors and communications known as the Internet of Things (IoT) is giving rise to entire intelligent buildings. Sports centers are no exception, so teams and scientists can take advantage of these new opportunities to share data and visibility. We are constantly looking for ways to reduce the energy consumption of the technology, also analyzing the charging potential of the wireless battery. This will give fans the opportunity to focus on the game, rather than looking for a way out. The aim of the research is to focus on the investigation of the application of intelligent technologies in the field of sports. The development of digital technologies is reflected in the sports industry, so IoT technologies help athletes, fans and coaches. But technologies are not introduced in an integrated way, but in a disparate one. Data collected from sensors can be integrated with the team's internal systems to analyze the athlete's level of performance, health, stress and injury, if any. IoT sensors can improve the safety of athletes by detecting potential injuries.