Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală

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    General economic aspects regarding the production of champignon edible mushrooms under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova
    (Artifex, 2022) Turetchi, Viorel
    Compared to other sectors of the economy of the Republic of Moldova, entrepreneurial activity in the agricultural sector is a subject with a high degree of risk. This fuels investors' reluctance to place their financial resources in this area. It is therefore necessary for the arguments in favor of the development of that entrepreneurial activity to contain a very high level of attractiveness. The reasoning given is manifested by; activity profile (production, processing, sale), form of legal activity, level of assurance of the technical and material base, etc. In this context, one of the most important entrepreneurial activities in the agricultural sector is the production of edible mushrooms of the species Champignon (Agaricus bisporus). It is a crop with a high food and economic value, and from a technological point of view it can be grown in protected conditions, which greatly reduces the dependence on unfavorable climatic conditions. This species can be produced both in confined spaces, in auxiliary households and on an industrial scale, using abandoned underground limestone quarries, corporate deposits, basements with large areas.
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    Country report: Republic of Moldova
    (2015) Moroz, Victor; Stratan, Alexandru; Ignat, Anatolie; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    COUNTRY REPORT: REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under grant agreement no 612755
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    The comparative economic analysis of production activities in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova
    (2009) Stratan, Alexandru; Zbanca, Andrei; Morei, Virgiliu
    The article describes the economic analysis of production activities performed in the agricultural vegetal sector of the Republic of Moldova. To this end, one has focused from the very beginning on the necessity to elaborate and calculate the economically argued budgets of agricultural plant growing. Thus, in our investigations, we considered the principle of economic argumentation of incomes and costs in the agricultural units calculating the gross profit coming from the cultivation of 45 agricultural plants in the vegetal sector of the country. There has been elaborated for each culture three variants of budgets centered on the application of the recommended technology, harmonized technology for big and medium agricultural units and the harmonized technology in the peasant (farmer) households.
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    Modernization of the Agricultural Sector in the Context of Sustainable Development in the Republic of Moldova.
    (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest - Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 2013) Stratan, Alexandru; Moroz, Victor; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    This paper focuses on the links between agricultural modernization and sustainable development, looking in particular at the impact of the structural changes over the rural livelihoods. In order to achieve this, there were used the following research methods such as: analysis of the economic indicators, methods of comparative analysis, assessment of the public policies’ impact on the rural development. The agricultural sector in the Republic of Moldova is based on extensive farming and is insufficiently adapted to market economy conditions. There is a growing understanding in the country that the rural economy is not confined to the agricultural sector, but embraces the broad spectrum of needs of all rural people including living standards, economic activities and natural resources. The situation is associated with the major risks related to the structural changes that may affect the countryside and the economy as a whole such as: a) migration and uncontrolled urbanization, b) lack of professional qualifications and adaptability of the population in the rural areas, c) inadequate use of the natural resources. Rural economy, employment issues, natural resource management and also goals and circumstances of the agricultural production have changed considerably. At the same time, academia and civil society are aware that the new paradigm of modernization must begin both with the agricultural technologies and the people. Its novelty is that in the combination of financial, economic and technological policies for agriculture, new components to be introduced, like policies aimed at improving human capital in agriculture and environmental protection. The paper contains conclusions and proposals on modernization of agriculture and diversification of non farm activities in rural areas.
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    Transformările structurale din spațiul rural în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2013) Moroz, Victor; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    Lucrarea scoate în evidenţă legăturile dintre transformările rurale şi mijloacele de existentă durabile, evidenţiind, în particular, impactul transformărilor structurale în economia naţională. Pentru a atinge acest scop, au fost utilizate un şir de metode de cercetare, cum ar fi: analiza indicatorilor economici, metode de analiza comparativa, evaluarea impactului politicilor publice asupra dezvoltării rurale. Sectorul agroalimentar din Republica Moldova se bazează pe agricultura extensiva şi nu este adaptat suficient la condiţiile economiei de piaţa. Se observă o conştientizare continuă în ţară precum că economia rurala nu se refera doar la sectorul agrar, dar cuprinde un spectru intreg al necesitatilor populatiei inclusive standardele de viata, activitatile economice si resursele naturale. Lucrarea contine concluzii si propuneri cu privire la diversificarea agriculturii si activitatilor non-agrare în zonele rurale.
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    Tendinţele macroeconomice moderne privind dezvoltarea sectorului agro-alimentar al Republicii Moldova
    (INCE, 2013) Bajura, Tudor
    Inceputul secolului XXI pentru sectorul agrar al Republicii Moldova a fost marcat cu reformari radicale atat in ce priveste relatii de proprietate, inclusiv, asupra pamantului agricol, cat si privind formele organizatorice, relatii cu parteneri din cadrul lanturilor valorice, relatii cu organele de stat etc. Este clar, ca o parte din aceste reformari (ex., privatizarea mijloacelor de productie, inclusiv, privatizarea pamantului agricol) au avut efectul pozitiv asupra procesului de productie, alta parte a schimbarilor radicale fie in plan economic, fie in cel social, sau adevarit de a fi negative, cu consecinte grave pentru agricultura si agricultori. Stabilirea trendurilor de dezvoltarea a sectorului agrar prin evidentierea directiilor, ritmurilor si nivelului actual al factorilor principali de productie in sectorul agrar constituie scopul principal al acestui articol.