Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală

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    Incursiune în istoria Institutului de Economie, Finanţe şi Statistică
    (IEFS, 2011) Stratan, Alexandru
    Institutul de Economie, Finanţe şi Statistică (IEFS) este, în prezent, unicul institut de cercetare cu profil economic din Republica Moldova. Structura actuală a Institutului a întrunit, reuşit, un sistem complex şi modern de cercetare ştiinţifică care se preocupă cu studierea sinergetică a problemelor actuale şi analiza fenomenelor de perspectivă ale economiei naţionale în contextul evoluţiei ştiinţei şi inovaţiei pe plan mondial. Determinantele ştiinţifice ale Institutului vizează cercetările ştiinţifice funda- mentale şi aplicative, studii şi investigaţii tematice, analize informaţionale la cererea instituţiilor guvernamentale şi publice, dar şi la solicitarea beneficiarilor individuali. La cei 5 ani de activitate Institutul remarcă semnificaţia şi contribuţia predece- sorilor legitimi ai săi, 4 Institute, care pe parcursul a mai mult de 60 de ani au format şi fortificat ştiinţa economică din ţară, au promovat excelenţa în cercetarea economică. Punctul de plecare în istoria Institutelor de cercetare economică a fost anul 1946 odată cu înfiinţarea Bazei de cercetări ştiinţifice a Academiei de Ştiinţe a URSS (AŞ a URSS), în componenţa căreia a fost constituit Sectorul Economie şi Geografie. Mai tîrziu, în octombrie 1949, Baza de cercetări ştiinţifice a AŞ a URSS a fost reformată în Filiala Moldovenească a AŞ a URSS (FM a AŞ URSS), iar, în ianuarie 1952, Sectorul Economie şi Geografie a fost redenumit în Secţia de Economie care aparţinea Filialei Moldoveneşti a AŞ URSS. Secţia de Economie şi-a început activitatea cu un potenţial format din şapte colaboratori, inclusiv 2 doctori în ştiinţe.
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    Cross-cooperation sectors between the Republic Macedonia and the Republic of Moldova: comparative analysis
    (2018) Trendov, Nikola; Stratan, Alexandru; Stratan, Dumitru; Perciun, Rodica; Tirigan, Sergiu
    This research aims to asses the rural development perspectives and strategic sectors in Republic Macedonia and Republic of Moldova that can be considered cooperation sectors between the countries. Also, the research will serve as a handbook map for new created and existing LAGs or associative groups aiming to cooperate with other regional partners. A Local Action Group is a non profit-making structure formed of public and private organizations, especially from rural villages, from different socio-economic sectors. Through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), LAGs can apply for financial assistance in the form of grants to implement the Local Development Strategy of their respective territory. Agriculture is important segment of Macedonian economy, as it impacts the economy significantly, by contributing with around 11.4% in total Gross Value Added (GVA). In addition to this, the agricultural sector is important for reducing unemployment rates and it provides employment for about 17.9% of the population. In the Republic of Moldova, agriculture continue to remain an important sector of economy. Even if declining, it is accounting for 12,2% of GDP in the year 2017. Food Industry accounts for more than 30% of the manufacturing, and it is contributing to other sectors such as transport, trade, financial and insurance activity. Main characteristic of the Macedonian and Moldavian agriculture is its dual structure. This means that small farms are most common and dominating the sector. Almost of the holding operate on land less than one hectare. However, these is high level of land fragmentation. In both countries, agricultural policy development is constructed as an adjustment towards the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. The process of EU integration resulted with positive changes in terms of better institutional capacities and legislation. Main goals of the national agricultural policies are the CAP objective and at the time this is the national agricultural strategies. In order to achieve these objectives, there has been introduced increased budget, along with systemic establishment of policy through set of laws, strategies, programs and long-term plans.
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    Rezultatele anului 2015 și anticipări pentru anul 2016: Constatări și soluții
    (2016) Stratan, Alexandru; Fala, Victoria
    ”Republica Moldova a pașit in anul 2015 cu o serie de provocari care isi trag radacinile din anul precedent, dar si cu speranta ca economia nationala va reusi sa faca fata acestora, urmandu-si parcursul sau european - calea sa spre prosperitate.”
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    Rezultatele anului 2014 și anticipări pentru anul 2015: Constatări și soluții
    (2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Clipa, Victoria
    Republica Moldova a pășit în anul 2015 cu o serie de provocări care îşi trag rădăcinile din anul precedent, dar şi cu speranţa că economia naţională va reuşi să facă faţă acestora, urmându-şi parcursul său european - calea sa spre prosperitate.
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    Cum a evaluat economia naţională în prima jumătate a anului?: Constatări și soluții
    (2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Clipa, Victoria
    In anul curent, mediul de dezvoltare al economiei nationale este unul extrem de incert. Pe langa instabilitatea principalilor parteneri economici din est si dinamica negativa a preturilor produselor agroalimentare pe pietele internationale care s-a produs, cel putin pe parcursul ultimilor doi ani, evenimentele care au avut loc la finele anului precedent in sistemul bancar, instabilitatea politica si blocarea finantarilor externe din cauza performantelor reduse la capitolul promovarea reformelor au amplificat riscurile de stagnare sau intrare in recesiune a economiei nationale.
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    Development of the food sector in the Republic of Moldova
    (Transilvania University Press, 2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Moroz, Victor; Ignat, Anatolie; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    The food sector of the Republic of Moldova has undergone significant changesin the past decades. Food processing companies and large scale collective and state farmshave been privatized, markets were liberalized, and economies have been integrated intothe global food systems. As a result of liberalization and privatization processes, the state-controlled vertical integration in the agri-food industry had collapse.Latter on, private vertical coordination systems have emerged and started to grow rapidlyas a response to consumer demand for food quality and safety on the one hand and thefarms’ production constraints caused by factor market imperfection on the other. The maindrivers of the integration processes are private business operators and traders. However,the efficiency of the newly emerged food value chains is still low. This investigation wasbased on analysis of the official statistical data, qualitative and quantitative studies andother relevant publications. A significant part of analysis was done in the framework of theFP7 project “AGRICISTRADE”. In this paper the importance and the most recent changesof the food industry in the Republic of Moldova were demonstrated, the main impedimentswere analyzed and proposals to foster the food sector development were provided.
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    Economia Republicii Moldova la 25 ani: căutări, erori şi eşecuri
    (Departamentul Editorial-Poligrafic al ASEM, 2016) Duca, Gheorghe; Stratan, Alexandru
    Din momentul obţinerii autonomiei politico-economice, Republica Moldova, la fel ca şi alte state din fostul lagăr socialist, după destrămarea acestuia, a ales calea edificării unui stat din temelie nou, cu drepturi depline ca subiect internaţional, suveran, democratic în baza promovării reformelor cardinale în economie pe principiile relaţiilor de piaţă. A fost determinată direcţia strategică geo-politică – calea spre Europa, cu integrarea în Comunitatea Europeană. Schimbările survenite în sfera politică, realizările privind consolidarea democraţiei, reformele instituţionale, formarea bazei juridice au contribuit la crearea condiţiilor pentru avansarea spre o economie de piaţă funcţională. Articolul trasează principalele reușite, dar și eșecuri ale dezvoltării economiei naționale în această perioadă.
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    Importanța inovațiilor pentru dezvoltarea întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii competitive
    (Tipogr. "Centrografic", 2019) Stratan, Alexandru
    Dezvoltarea IMM-urilor este condiționată de un șir de factori: resurse umane, resurse financiare, atragerea investițiilor, cooperarea întreprinderilor, politica statului de dezvoltare a antreprenoriatului, mediul de afaceri în țară/regiune și inovațiile. Astăzi, companiile trebuie să poată să fie în mod constant inovatoare pentru a-şi menţine sau îmbunătăţi poziţia pe piaţă.Este un mare avantaj competitiv pentru companii de a fi în măsură să introducă produse noi pe piaţă înainte de concurenţii lor, câştigând în acest fel cote semnificative de vânzare. În Republica Moldova până recent nu a fost posibilă analiza activităţii IMM-urilor inovatoare din lipsa datelor statistice. Începând cu anul 2017, Biroul Naţional de Statistică aprezentat pentru prima dată informaţia privind activitatea de inovare a întreprinderilor în Republica Moldova în anii 2015-2016[1]. Astfel, ponderea IMM-urilor inovatoare în totalul întreprinderilor inovatoare din Republica Moldova în anul 2016 a constituit 90%. Deşi ponderea IMM-urilor în totalul întreprinderilor inovatoare este semnificativă, ponderea IMM-urilor inovatoare în totalul întreprinderilor incluse în cercetare este nesemnificativă (de 18,8%%). Astfel, din 3233 de întreprinderi incluse în cercetare doar 609 de IMM –uri au fost inovatoare.
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    The Importance of Innovation for SMEs as a Prerequisite for the Sustainable Development of the Moldovan Economy
    (Bagian Publikasi Universitas Gunadarma, 2018) Stratan, Alexandru; Costica, Mihai
    Following its independence, the Republic of Moldova faced a range of political, economic and social is-sues and had to overcome them relying mainly on its own resource potential. The economyreformed in the context of an acute social and economic crisis and radical transformation of the economic system. The lack of experience in countering externalshocks, and economic and social crises, in conducting sys-temic reforms, coupled with the instability in domestic politics and the territorial disintegration of the country. The transition from centralizedand planned economy to the market economy focused on the maindirections: the price liberalization, development of the domestic market, privatization, and introduc-tion of the national currency weredynamic. A new banking system was created; the conditions and rules of economic activitieswere changed. However, the measuresweretaken and reform methods were not always corrected in a timely manner, the reforms were often hampered, and Governments were often changed for unjustified reasons. The paperemphasizestheimportance of the SMEssector for the nation-al economy and the role of innovation in SMEsdevelopment, the role of innovation incubators and scien-tific-technological parks as an important partin the implementation of innovationsas a prerequisite for the sustainable development of the Moldovan economy.
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    Costs: key element of financial control
    (Institute of Society Transformation, 2018) Stratan, Alexandru; Manole, Tatiana
    Costs always stay in the focus of financial managers, being an important indicator with a degrading impact on the benefit of the entity. The authors review the evolution of costs: from actual costs to standard activity-based costs (ABC) and those with a social impact. In terms of developing costs, we found out that at the stage basic production of raw materials, direct costs outweigh indirect costs, yet in the process of processing raw materials into finished products, we observe a reverse process - indirect costs outweigh direct costs, which is a process related to a cost-per-activity. The basic producer is disadvantaged. Therefore, we believe that a new state strategy on producer price is needed. Some researchers believe that standard costs should be abandoned, moving to activity-based costs. We consider that standard costs are necessary for the public-budget sector. We also believe that the cost-benefit analysis (CBA), with a social character, justifies, first of all, the obtained social result and then the costs. CBA quantify the value of the consequences of state policy on the members of society. Standard costs should not be abandoned. They are a guideline, and a benchmark of scientifically established costs. Yet, they should be reviewed each year, reflecting the changes taking place in the country’s economy. We see this phenomenon in determining the standard cost per weighted pupil at financing the pre-university education in the Republic of Moldova. In agriculture, the notion of standard cost does not have to be standardised. This stage is past, outdated. At the same time, it is necessary to investigate the costs of activities. We propose to use a parity price policy, which would balance inter-relationships, especially between agriculture and industry. This is a necessity determined by the economic character of the Republic of Moldova. Therefore, the Ministry of Economy of The Republic of Moldova should calculate activity costs, new cost accounting and market pricing, giving priority to the primary producer, the raw material manufacturer. In this research, since it is difficult to analyse costs by activity in agriculture, we analysed the related process by phases: the raw material production phase and the processing stage in several agricultural crops (wheat, maize, and sunflower). The analysis demonstrates the impact of costs on the absolute benefit per one hectare and the profitability per one hectare, these two financial indicators being based on costs and the market price of one tonne of cereals. The authors’ research on the financing of gymnasiums has demonstrated the financial efforts made by the state to finance schools with a number of weighted pupils equal to or less than 41 weighted pupils or 91 weighted pupils. Expenditures are high, but the quality of studies is very low. The problem must be solved for the benefit of large district-performing schools. We believe that money spent inefficiently for the maintenance of schools should be directed to create the conditions for the children coming from small schools (gymnasiums) to conventional schools where there are highly qualified teachers. The cost-per-activity model demonstrates that indirect costs significantly outweigh direct costs. We also believe that the standard-based cost system can be applied more effectively with regard to public services, as in the case of Moldova.