Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală

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    Fenomenul reexporturilor în Republica Moldova
    (IEFS, 2012) Stratan, Alexandru; Fala, Alexandru; Clipa, Victoria
    Performanţele exporturilor din anul 2011 au fost plăcut surprinzătoare. Acestea nu numai că au înregistrat un avânt puternic, dar şi au fost susţinute de o modificare aparent calitativă în structura exporturilor, producându-se o creştere a exporturilor de produse manufacturate. Totodată, tabloul unei performanţe înalte a exporturilor a fost afectat de presupunerea creşterii dinamicii a reexporturilor confirmat ulterior de datele statistice oficiale. Deşi, datele statistice indică că dezvoltarea acestora işi are rădăcinile încă din prima jumatate a deceniului trecut, acestea rămân a fi un concept relativ puţin cunoscut în ţara, creând deseori o imagine confuză privind conţinutul, dimensiunile sale şi efectele sale asupra altor indicatori economici. În acest context, prezentul articol işi propune clarificarea conceptului de reexport şi o încercare de a estima nivelul acestora în Republica Moldova.
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    Development and side effects of remittances in the CIS countries : the case of Republic of Moldova
    (European University Institute, 2013) Stratan, Alexandru; Chistruga, Marcel; Clipa, Victoria; Fala, Alexandru; Septelici, Viorica
    Migration is a longstanding phenomenon. However, the impact of remittances on the countries of origins, makes migration a topic of special interest for many researchers. In the Republic of Moldova remittances have become a much discussed and much analyzed subject, Moldova ranking among the economies with the highest share of remittances in terms of GDP. What is more, remittances, unlike FDI, external trade and other sources of income, seem to have a significant impact on economic growth. Within the present work an attempt has been made to capture the positive and negative spillovers that migrants’ remittances have on a country’s socio-economic development. The study summarises previous findings and data sources related to remittances and their influence on the economy. Moreover, authors investigate the link between remittances and economic growth, investments, inflation, employment, human capital and poverty. The study combines the theoretical background with an analysis of the real trends and fluctuations in the Moldovan economy.
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    Risks to the agri-food sector of Republic of Moldova associated with restrictions imposed by Russian Federation on Moldovan imports
    (2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Fala, Alexandru; Clipa, Victoria
    After Republic of Moldova has declared its firm decision to sign the Association Agreement with the European Union, Russia has tightened Moldovan products’ access on its market. It has imposed a series of bans on Moldovan agri-food imports starting with the end of last year – wines (September 2013), pork meat (April 2014), fresh and canned fruits and vegetables (July 2014), all kinds of meat (October 2014). On July 31, a resolution on the introduction of import duties in respect of imported products whose country of origin is the Republic of Moldova, especially beef, pork, chicken, vegetables, some fruits, cereals, sugar, wine grapes, alcohol, and furniture has been adopted. This situation increases tension among domestic farmers and food producers and sparks concerns among decision makers, due to the high concentration of some of these products on the Russian market. The present paper aims to offer: an alternative vision on the effects these measures may have on different segments of the Moldovan agri-food sector; some attempts to estimate losses in revenue from exports in the most exposed to risk sectors. Some recommendations of measure to overcome the possible negative effects have been formulated. Despite the existence of trade preferential regime between CIS countries since the early 90s of the past century, nontariff barriers remain to be a major impediment to trade among them. Particularly severe are trade embargoes applied by Russia Federation. Although, the experience showed that some of these measures have strong negative impact, other effects appear to be sometimes overstated. This does motivate Russian authorities to use them as a leverage to solve non-economic disagreements, maintaining the dependence of the country and hindering its initiative to promote proper policies to develop its national competitiveness.
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    Perspectivele şi provocările pe termen mediu pentru procesul creşterii economice în Republica Moldova.
    (UCCM, 2013) Stratan, Alexandru; Rojco, Anatolii; Fala, Alexandru
    Developments in early 2013 indicate that Moldova's economy has a very low immunity to international trends negatively influencing the growth capacity in this year. Although early signs of recovery have emerged, from the optimistic estimates for agricultural sector developments, the situation of major trading partners and, presumably, slight improvement of the business environment, advance in the second quarter still indicates increased fragility of economy, cushion in growth expectations at the beginning of approaching about 5% at the beginning of the year.