Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală
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Item Piaţa funciară autohtonă: primele 20 de ani de funcţionare(INCE, 2019) Bajura, Tudor; Zubco, EfimBeing at the stage of the first 20 years of operation, the land market in the Republic of Moldova has undergone radical changes regarding the structure of the transactions, the scientific argumentation of the calculation of the market price, the operability of carrying out transactions, etc. With the quite successful formation (in 2 decades) of a civilized fragment of the general market management mechanism, which serves as an economic basis for the development of the national economy as a whole, there have also been necessities of essential changes regarding the domestic legislative framework, regarding the regulation of land relations. It takes into account the urgent need to introduce in the national legislative acts some legal norms, which will provide limitation of the absolute size of the agricultural areas, which are in the private property of a single person, independently if a natural or legal person is considered.