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    Standardele - mijloc de comunicare științifică
    (2023) Bordian, Elena
    Standards by definition are technical documents, applied in various fields of human activity. They are developed and approved on the basis of consolidated results of science, technology and experience, being used every day by enterprises, manufacturers, public bodies, and by institutions of education, science and culture. The understanding and the use of standards is essential for the entire academic community and they have a major impact on increasing the visibility of scientific production through the connection and interoperability of information. Today, intonational organisations for standartization try to unite the standardization activity with the research and innovation through a so-called „Integrated Approach”. This is a concept that offers a mechanism that ensures the integration of standardization in research and innovation. The standards integrate perfectly into different stages of scientific research, from studying the terminology and presenting the sources of information, to the compatibility standards, which aim to integrate innovation with existing technologies. The libraries, as institutions that provide information for the entire research cycle,and also manage the collections of data and provide access to various informational resources, quickly adapt to the new techniques and standardized rules across all the library processes.
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    Academicianul Boris Gaina – excelență științifică și spirit inovator
    (AGEPI, 2022) Bordian, Elena; Lupu, Elena; Coslet, Ecaterina
    The article represents a bibliometric profile of the academician, professor and inventor Boris Gaina, who over the years has distinguished himself through various fundamental and applied scientific projects, achieving outstanding performance in research and innovation, especially in the field of viticulture of the Republic of Moldova. The bibliometric analysis of scientific publications highlighted the scientific productivity of the author with a particular impact - both for the development of oenological science and for the transfer of new technologies and innovations in the business environment. Scientific publications in the fields of oenology, uvology and food biotechnology are reflected in various bibliographic resources and open access databases, and the bibliometric tools were an effective support in reflecting the author’s contribution and the dynamics of scientific research in these fields.
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    Victor Covaliov, inventatorul tehnologiilor verzi și gardian al purităţii
    (AGEPI, 2021) Bordian, Elena; Lupu, Elena; Coslet, Ecaterina
    Victor COVALIOV – inventatorul tehnologiilor verzi și gardian al purităţii. Victor Covaliov a fundamentat conceptul ecologic general al producţiei industriale și a dezvoltat tehnologii eficiente de producţie curată, acestea fiind utilizate în multe întreprinderi. Rezultatele sale știinţifice sunt reflectate în peste 300 de publicaţii și confirmate de 350 de brevete de invenţii, obţinând recunoaștere în multe ţări ale lumii.
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    Biblioteca Republicană Tehnico-Științifică – incursiune în istorie
    (Complexul Editorial, INCE, 2020) Bordian, Elena
    Sistemul Național de Informație Tehnico-Științifica a fost creat din instituții de informație tehnico-științifica, care aveau scopul de a acoperi informațional toate domeniile de dezvoltare socio-economica și de a exclude paralelismul in activitatea de cercetare. Masurile de imbunatațire a Sistemului au contribuit la dezvoltarea Rețelei de biblioteci tehnice și la crearea Bibliotecii Republicane Tehnico-Științifice. Articolul reflecta etapele de dezvoltare a bibliotecii și este dedicat jubileului de 50 de ani de la fondare.