Browsing by Author "Tofan, Tatiana"
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Item Finanţele publice şi rolul acestora în dezvoltarea localităţilor rurale din Republica Moldova(IEFS, 2012) Tofan, TatianaFinanţele publice locale sunt o parte a finanţelor publice, cu finanţele publice ale administraţiei centrale de stat, care exprimă relaţiile economice, care mobilizează şi utilizează resursele financiare în unităţile administrativ-teritoriale pentru a îndeplini cerinţele de educatţe colectivă, cultură, servicii sociale, publice şi dezvoltare.Item Impactul motivarii personalului asupra performantei organizatiei(IEFS, 2011) Tofan, TatianaEvery an organization exists and is manifested by the people. To understand the real motives of the people is necessary that the managers to know and to explain how external events is intertwined with the employee attitudes and the behavior, influencing it and guiding it in the to its actions. Many managers are of the opinion that the success a organizations is the determined by the efforts of its managers and the employees, as well as addressing behavior in terms of motivation is very difficult.Item Practica internațională privind formarea profesională continuă în societatea bazata pe cunoaștere(IEFS, 2011) Tofan, Tatiana; Cristian, IrinaThe new opportunities each person requires the effort of adaptation, especially the construction of their qualifications based on "blocks" of knowledge acquired in moments of time and different situations. Education and training whether conducted in a formal system of education, at work or informally, for each key is necessary to control future career and personal development.Item Principiile creării economiei bazate pe cunoştinţe în Uniunea Europeană(IEFS, 2011) Tofan, Tatiana; Birca, IulitaRevoluţia cunoştinţelor şi mutaţiilor multor produse în economia mondială au condus politicienii, mai ales în ţările cele mai dezvoltate, pentru a aborda aceste realităţi într-o perspectivă frontală şi pragmatică. Uniunea Europeană a pieţei interne unice create printr-un sistem de legi şi reglementări care garantează libera circulaţie a persoanelor, mărfurilor, serviciilor şi capitalului, dar a dezvoltat politicile comune pentru comerţ, agricultură şi pescuit.Item Rolul băncii centrale în asigurarea stabilității financiare(IEFS, 2012) Tofan, TatianaAn important role in ensuring financial stability lies with central banks. It is spoken about the traditional functions of the Central Bank, which have appeared just by gradual involvement of this institution in ensuring the financial stability. The Central Bank is to handle the inherent instability of the commercial banking system imposed its control of, which fulfills a regulatory function and one of refinancing the second tier banks that could not cope with their usual reserves and assets – large withdrawals of deposits. Because if the Central Bank wouldn’t have assumed this role, nobody had done it, and the clients would have incurred significant losses from nonrecovery of full deposit. And, actually, even by the Central Bank’s involvement in many cases, these losses couldn’t have be avoided.Item Specifcul mecanismului european de stabilizare financiară(IEFS, 2012) Tofan, TatianaThe international financial crisis has affected the stock markets and economies particularly the U.S., European and South – East Asia. The European financial stabilization mechanism of assist the Member States where : a Member State to is the seriously affected or threatened by financial disturbances; this risk the financial disturbance in are caused by events outside the control of the Member State concerned.