Browsing by Author "Tcaci, Carolina"
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Item Analiza factorului uman în contextul viabilității economico-financiare a întreprinderilor(IEFS, 2011) Tcaci, CarolinaIn the course of the analysis of economic and administrative viability of the enterprises the aim of a substantiation strong and weaknesses, and also revealing of the reasons which cause them ispursued. As a result of this process the model of a condition of internal economic and administrativefactors is developed for the investigated enterprises. Productivity of the enterprises and their economic viability are in direct dependence on volume, structure and efficiency of use material, human and financial resources.Proceeding from priority value of the human factor in activity of the enterprises, we considernecessary its realisation, first of all, in two aspects: on size and structure (quantity indicators) and by efficiency uses (quality indicators).Item Cercetarea dependenței între indicatorii fundamentali ai valorii și capitalizarea de piață a întreprinderilor din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2017) Tcaci, Carolina; Besliu, IurieÎn ultimii ani problema creșterii valorii întreprinderilor autohtone este actuală printre specialiștii din domeniul managementului. Dar din cauza că majoritatea întreprinderilor autohtone nu sunt cotate la bursă, este dificil de a trage concluzia privind atingerea scopului principal, adică creșterea valorii întreprinderii. În articol este analizată legătura dintre valoarea fundamentală a capitalului propriu al întreprinderii și capitalizarea de piață a întreprinderilor autohtone. În cercetarea dată valoarea fundamentală a capitalului propriu o vom obține cu ajutorul modelului profitului rezidual. În baza datelor practice ale întreprinderilor moldovenești, autorii prezentei cercetări au elaborat un model econometric, care ar explica legătura dintre factorii financiari și valoarea întreprinderilor autohtone. În baza metodologiei și rezultatelor cercetării, putem concluziona că valoarea de bilanț a capitalului propriu și mărimea profitului economic, ca componente ale metodei profitului economic, pot explica valoarea de piață a acțiunilor întreprinderilor autohtone. Respectiv, modelul econometric creat poate fi cu succes utilizat în gestiunea valorii întreprinderilor.Item Expres-analiza cheltuielilor de timp – instrument al time-managementului eficient(IEFS, 2012) Tcaci, CarolinaTime management is a management skill time and mastering by this art is necessary for everything, workers and businessmen, lawyers and teachers, businessmen and students. One their main ideas consists that time management is a management not only the time, but also the life. It not simply way is better to organize the time more to make and more to earn, this present management of own life. The second idea as is simple, as well as the first: quality of time management defines quality of our life. We can look at any aspect of the life, and it becomes clear that positive sensations from life, our success and efficiency of our actions are defined by that, how much qualitatively we use the time. Thus, one of indicators of the effective time management, forming its quality, pays off a parity of expenses of time to the result received in the given interval of time.Item Value estimation model of enterprises in the Republic of Moldova(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2017) Tcaci, Carolina; Besliu, IurieIn recent years, the issue of developing a variety of complex enterprise value estimation methods is present among the management specialists. Increase in value is possible only under the conditions of an effective management of value-generating key factors and control over enterprise value dynamics. The underdevelopment of the capital market in the Republic of Moldova and the existence of a large number of unlisted companies do not allow to estimate the value evolution of domestic enterprises. Under these circumstances, the authors of this research have developed a value estimation model. The basis of the value control model is the enterprise valuation method based on net residual profit. Based on the methodology and results of the research, we can conclude that the value of the equity balance and size of net residual profit, as components of net residual profit method, can explain the market value of the shares of the domestic enterprises. Respectively, the econometric model can be successfully used in the assessment of the efficiency of enterprise management.