Browsing by Author "Susu-Turcan, Aurelia"
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Item Analiza conceptuală a rolului statului în societatea cunoaşterii – societate bazată pe activităţi de inovare(IEFS, 2011) Susu-Turcan, AureliaIn the new economy and knowledge society requires a rethink of theory of factors of production. Knowledge, unlike labor, land a capital is an asset that appreciates the extent of use. Each country depends on increasingly more knowledge-patents, skills, technologies, information which in turn may include innovations. Innovations have the most durable effect on national economy development, because they influence the position of national economy on the global market, they increase quality of life, and new job places. Efficient management of innovation activity is impossible only with market mechanisms without stat participation, whose involvement in this process is done through state innovational policy. In Moldova, innovations are at a low stage of implementation, financing and supporting their development and promoting in the national economy, because of many factors that don’t favor this process. This situation causes Republic of Moldova to remain an underdeveloped economically state. But despite this situation, Moldova has a chance to prevail in the world, as a prosperous country, if the government will manage efficiently and stimulate the innovation activity in the private sector to carry out their activities to produce high quality products that can compete with foreign ones, for example with European products.Item Aplicarea aparatului matematico-statistic în scopul estimării indicatorilor de creştere inovaţională(IEFS, 2012) Susu-Turcan, Aurelia; Naval, ElviraExistenţa unui sistem informaţional statistic coerent în domeniu inovării în Republica Moldova este o sarcină stringentă a societăţii, deoarece numai în acest caz este posibilă prognozarea calitativă a creşterii economice. În prezentul articol este prezentată o abordare în vederea evaluării statistice şi estimării indicatorilor inovaţionali. Oferta este modelată prin funcţia de producere tipul Cobb-Douglas. Productivitatea Totală a Factorilor nu depinde de factorii de producere, dar de alţi indicatori socio-economici.Item Modalitati de evaluare statistica a economiei bazate pe cunoastere(IEFS, 2012) Susu-Turcan, AureliaThe evolution of technical-scientific progress drives essential changes in society, which determine the success of human development on future. But these changes must not only lead to a progress and some growth, but must generate a sustainable development of the entire society. The problem of transition to knowledge economy is extremely important; this is why the current evaluation of the innovation sector is placed on foreground. Creating and developing a knowledge economy (knowledge based economy, new innovational economy) in all countries is considered as the only possible alternative for economic growth. The desire to create an innovational economy as an economic form of sustainable development requires a monitoring based on evaluation and quantitative indicators.Item Инновационные элементы в системе высшего образования – составляющая процветания экономики стран(Complexul Editorial, USEM, 2016) Percinschi, Natalia; Susu-Turcan, Aurelia; Griga, VitaliiAcest articol discută despre unele dintre elementele inovatoare ale învățământului superior din țările dezvoltate și Republica Moldova, precum și rolul guvernului în dezvoltarea educației de calitateItem Особенности управления современного инновационного менеджера(Complexul Editorial, USEM, 2015) Percinschi, Natalia; Susu-Turcan, AureliaВ статье рассматриваются возможности без затрат на технические средства, контролировать деятельность подчиненных на всех уровнях, применяя инновационные методики управления. В статье представлены самые практичные техники современного менеджмента, который можно использовать не только в странах с развитой экономикой, но и у нас в Молдове. Внедрение инновационного менеджмента в организациях, фирмах позволит добиться большого эффекта, сохраняя при этом достоинство каждого человека. Основой данной статьи являются принципы инновационного менеджмента известного писателя, просветителя и консультанта многих быстрорастущих мировых компаний Кеннет Бланшар.