Browsing by Author "Stratan, Alexandru"
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Item Analiza factorilor emergenţi produselor noi în condiţiile globalizării(Editura ASEM, 2009) Stratan, AlexandruDiferenţele dintre pieţele naţionale sunt reduse; cererea şi oferta sunt exprimate la nivel global. Având în vedere aceste condiţii, globalizarea afacerilor este un proces cuprinzător impus de necesitate. Firmele multinaţionale decid cu privire la poziţionarea producţiei, din punct de vedere a raţionalizării la nivel global. Lucrarea elucidează factorii care au o influenţă foarte importantă asupra procesului de dezvoltare a noilor produse. Este interesant faptul că unii factori au influenţă ambivalent (atât sporesc, cât şi scad procesul dezvoltării produselor noi).Item Anti-Crisis Measures and Policy Implication for Moldova.(2013) Stratan, Alexandru; Chistruga, MarcelThe article presents how the Moldovan economy evolved in the post crisis period and how the major policy incentives were implemented. An assessment of the major problems of Moldova after the crisis is undertaken. The authors emphasize the importance of elimination of fiscal burden, administrative burden and access to finance. At the end the authors investigate and propose anti-crisis policy recommendations and solutions for the identified problems.Item Argumentarea economică a activităţilor practicate în sectorul vegetal(2009) Morei, Virgiliu; Stratan, Alexandru; Zbanca, AndreiThe article describes the economic analysis of production activities performed in the agricultural vegetal sector of the Republic of Moldova. To this end, one has focused from the very beginning on the necessity to elaborate and calculate the economically argued budgets of agricultural plants growing. Thus, in our investigations, we considered the principle of economic argumentation of incomes and costs in the agricultural units calculating the gross profit coming from the cultivation of 45 agricultural plants in the vegetal sector of the country.There have been elaborated for each culture three variants of budgets focused on the application of the recommended and harmonized technology for large and medium agricultural units and the harmonized technology in the peasant (farmer) households.Item Assessing the export performance in transition countries : the case of the Republic of Moldova(2011) Stratan, Alexandru; Clipa, VictoriaDespite their common legacy of central planning and of a new beginning in the ’90s, transition countries have achieved different export performances. Although there is not a consensus among economists on the dimension of exports impact on economic growth, the non-performance or poor performance of exports may indicate inadequate policy reforms that by consequence do hinder economic growth. The purpose of this paper is to make an assessment of performances that Republic of Moldova’s exports have achieved after 20 years of transition compared to other countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.Item Assessment of economic growth of the Republic of Moldova in the context of global economic crisis(Institute foe Economic Forecasting, 2010) Stratan, AlexandruThe world economic crisis has had a negative impact on the economic development of Moldova, but recent trends show that in 2010 we were able to forecast a small economic growth. The author examines the problems faced by the Moldavian economy which shackle its strong recovery. The current evolutions of the Moldavian economy are analyzed in the paper as well.Item Assessment of the business environment in the Republic of Moldova: key trends and determining factors(2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Aculai, Elena; Vinogradova, NataliaAssessment of trends in the business environment is a matter of interest to entrepreneurs, investors and representatives of the public administration, as it allows well-grounded planning of business development, making reasoned decisions about investing and improving purposefully public policies. In the Republic of Moldova, despite the adoption of the necessary legislation, implementation of government programs and the creation of institutions to support business, trends in the business environment are treated contradictorily by businessmen and public servants. International ratings also provide a mixed assessment of changes in the business climate in the country. The purpose of this article is to highlight the trends of the business environment in the Republic of Moldova, taking into account the specific conditions of the country, based on results of a entrepreneurs survey, using quantitative indicators that allow an unambiguously interpretation of the changes. The methodology designed and implemented by the authors regarding the approach to the evaluation of the business environment is briefly presented. Emphasis is placed on the results of evaluation of the business environment: the main trends and its determining factors. It was revealed the opinion of entrepreneurs regarding the changing in business environment during the period 2011-2013 and the forecast for 2013-2015. The main conclusions, including the possibilities of using the obtained results are also presented.Item Cercetătorul unor fenomene social-economice noi. Doctor Anatolii Rojco la 70 de ani.(Tipografia AŞM, 2015) Stratan, AlexandruItem Challenges and incentives for the growth of the competitiveness of the Moldovan economy(“Baku Business University”, 2022) Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, TatianaItem The comparative economic analysis of production activities in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova(2009) Stratan, Alexandru; Zbanca, Andrei; Morei, VirgiliuThe article describes the economic analysis of production activities performed in the agricultural vegetal sector of the Republic of Moldova. To this end, one has focused from the very beginning on the necessity to elaborate and calculate the economically argued budgets of agricultural plant growing. Thus, in our investigations, we considered the principle of economic argumentation of incomes and costs in the agricultural units calculating the gross profit coming from the cultivation of 45 agricultural plants in the vegetal sector of the country. There has been elaborated for each culture three variants of budgets centered on the application of the recommended technology, harmonized technology for big and medium agricultural units and the harmonized technology in the peasant (farmer) households.Item Competitiveness of Moldova’s Agri-food Trade: Challenges and Perspectives(2023) Duca, Gheorghe; Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, TatianaOne of the conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the national economy of Moldova is the promotion of the export of competitive goods. Considering that the Republic of Moldova is mainly relying on its agri-food sector, and it was granted the status of a candidate country for accession to the European Union, the object of research is the Competitiveness of Moldova’s Agrifood Trade. The principal purpose of this study is to determine the directions for modernizing the structure of the agri-food complex to increase its competitiveness in the context of deepening the integration processes in the European space. The authors assessed the trends and prospects for the trade of food products and agricultural raw materials between Moldova and European Union countries. In this aim statistical and econometric methods were applied. The results of the study showed that a promising direction in the development of economic relations between Moldova and the European Union was the formation of clusters with a high potential for competitiveness. For a better integration into the European food products market with minimal loss, there is a strong need in establishing direct economic links and implementation of joint investment projects.Item Competitivitatea economiei naționale: progrese și provocări(UASM, 2018) Stratan, AlexandruThe implementation of the country's national competitiveness enhancement policy is of crucial importance for changing the country's development paradigm and for taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the DCFTA with the European Union. Annually, the research team within this project evaluates the degree of implementation of the Policy Matrix of the Roadmap for improving the competitiveness of the Republic of Moldova, as well the way the country's economy develops and its progress towards becoming a more competitive economy internationally, including in the framework of the European Union - a highly demanding marketItem Competitivitatea națională după 5 ani de implementare a politicii în domeniu și rolul cercetării în dezvoltarea acesteia(INCE, 2019) Stratan, AlexandruAcum 5 ani, autoritățile au adoptat Foaia de parcurs privind ameliorarea competitivității Republicii Moldova. Lucrarea de față scoate în evidență progresele, dar și problemele întâmpinate în acest sens. Implementarea politicii țării în domeniul sporirii competitivității naționale are o importanță crucială pentru modificarea paradigmei de dezvoltare a țării și pentru valorificarea oportunităților oferite de către Zona de Liber Schimb Aprofundată și Cuprinzătoare (ZLSAC) cu Uniunea Europeană. Anual, de către echipa de cercetare din cadrul Institutului Național de Cercetări Economice, este evaluat gradul de implementare a Matricei de politici a Foii de parcurs pentru ameliorarea competitivității Republicii Moldova, nemijlocit modul în care se dezvoltă economia țării și progresele sale de a deveni o economie mai competitivă pe plan internațional, inclusiv în spațiul Uniunii Europene ca piață cu exigențe foarte înalte.Item Concepţia calculelor indicatorilor eficienţei utilizării mijloacelor fixe(2011) Parmacli, Dmitrii; Stratan, AlexandruThe last decade has been marked by a series of events which ought to facilitate the foreign trade of the Republic of Moldova. The most important are considered to be the R. Moldova’s accession to WTO and the preferential trade regimes that Moldova are benefiting from the main trading partners. But, despite this, the external trade growth trend in this period was determined rather by an accelerated growth in imports than that in exports. In this context a question appears “why in condition of free access in the main export markets for the majority of products, our exports remain so small?”Item Contribuţii teoretice privind paradigma sinergetică de dezvoltare economică(IEFS, 2011) Rotaru, Anatol; Stici, Viorica; Stratan, AlexandruOne of the main new development directions of modern economic science is synergetic economy, based upon the chaotic and fractal nonlinear, unbalanced, unstable, irreversible and bifurcated paradigm. The economic system is an open synergetic nonlinear system, which is altered by substance, energy and the external informational environment. In this type of system a variety of evolution scenarios are possible as well as the emergence of different macroscopic and economic conditions. In this article certain cooperative, nonlinear and stochastic phenomena in composite hierarchical economic systems are investigated. Certain nonlinear problems of economic development are addressed; all enshrined in the context of economic growth, recession, economic revival and output of economic systems to different attractor structures.Item Cooperation for Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs (The Case of the Republic of Moldova)(LUMEN Publishing, 2020) Stratan, Alexandru; Novac, Alexandra; Vinogradova, NataliaIn the contemporary economy, the sustainable growth of the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be ensured provided that innovations are implemented in enterprises. The innovative potential of enterprises can be raised through various methods, including cooperation with other enterprises and researchers. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the innovation activity of SMEs in the Republic of Moldova and identify opportunities and barriers to cooperation of SMEs with other enterprises and research institutions in the Republic of Moldova in order to develop and/or implement innovations. The results of the research showed that in the Republic of Moldova, SMEs are quite reluctant and passive in cooperating with other companies and research institutions to implement innovations. Moreover, for the most part, Moldovan SMEs are not aware of the need to implement innovations based on research results, but researchers - of the need to market their results.Item Corelarea dintre datoria publică, deficitul bugetar şi politica fiscală(Tipografia AŞM, 2016) Manole, Tatiana; Stratan, AlexandruThe concept of public debt and taxation policy have become interesting even since the eighteenth century, when the classics had seen an increase in public debt through the increase of future taxes. In this article, the authors attempt to find the correlation among public debt, budget deficit and state fiscal policy. The degree of correlation of these macroeconomic financial indicators may be very different, depending on several of possible factors, such as fiscal policy promoted by the state, the country’s economic potential and capacity of the Government to promote a good management of public finances.Item Corelarea politicilor agroalimentare cu politica economică a ţării: aspect metodologic(IEFS, 2013) Stratan, AlexandruIn the Republic of Moldova, with a market economy and a partially developed agriculture, agricultural policy objectives aim at: ensuring food security according to national consumption patterns, ensuring equitable income of the agricultural population, increasing food trade competitiveness on domestic and international markets. Thus, the article addresses the issue of linking the country's agricultural policy with the overall economic policy. Conditions and agricultural traditions in Moldova can serve as a basis for overcoming the problems of farmers.Item Costs: key element of financial control(Institute of Society Transformation, 2018) Stratan, Alexandru; Manole, TatianaCosts always stay in the focus of financial managers, being an important indicator with a degrading impact on the benefit of the entity. The authors review the evolution of costs: from actual costs to standard activity-based costs (ABC) and those with a social impact. In terms of developing costs, we found out that at the stage basic production of raw materials, direct costs outweigh indirect costs, yet in the process of processing raw materials into finished products, we observe a reverse process - indirect costs outweigh direct costs, which is a process related to a cost-per-activity. The basic producer is disadvantaged. Therefore, we believe that a new state strategy on producer price is needed. Some researchers believe that standard costs should be abandoned, moving to activity-based costs. We consider that standard costs are necessary for the public-budget sector. We also believe that the cost-benefit analysis (CBA), with a social character, justifies, first of all, the obtained social result and then the costs. CBA quantify the value of the consequences of state policy on the members of society. Standard costs should not be abandoned. They are a guideline, and a benchmark of scientifically established costs. Yet, they should be reviewed each year, reflecting the changes taking place in the country’s economy. We see this phenomenon in determining the standard cost per weighted pupil at financing the pre-university education in the Republic of Moldova. In agriculture, the notion of standard cost does not have to be standardised. This stage is past, outdated. At the same time, it is necessary to investigate the costs of activities. We propose to use a parity price policy, which would balance inter-relationships, especially between agriculture and industry. This is a necessity determined by the economic character of the Republic of Moldova. Therefore, the Ministry of Economy of The Republic of Moldova should calculate activity costs, new cost accounting and market pricing, giving priority to the primary producer, the raw material manufacturer. In this research, since it is difficult to analyse costs by activity in agriculture, we analysed the related process by phases: the raw material production phase and the processing stage in several agricultural crops (wheat, maize, and sunflower). The analysis demonstrates the impact of costs on the absolute benefit per one hectare and the profitability per one hectare, these two financial indicators being based on costs and the market price of one tonne of cereals. The authors’ research on the financing of gymnasiums has demonstrated the financial efforts made by the state to finance schools with a number of weighted pupils equal to or less than 41 weighted pupils or 91 weighted pupils. Expenditures are high, but the quality of studies is very low. The problem must be solved for the benefit of large district-performing schools. We believe that money spent inefficiently for the maintenance of schools should be directed to create the conditions for the children coming from small schools (gymnasiums) to conventional schools where there are highly qualified teachers. The cost-per-activity model demonstrates that indirect costs significantly outweigh direct costs. We also believe that the standard-based cost system can be applied more effectively with regard to public services, as in the case of Moldova.Item The costs: theoretical and practical approaches("Victor Slăvescu" Centre for Financial and Monetary Research, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2018) Manole, Tatiana; Stratan, AlexandruIn this article, the authors studied the evolutionary process of costs, from actual costs to standard costs and activity costs. In the process of developing the costs, we found that at the basic raw material production stage, direct costs outweigh the indirect costs, but in the process of transforming the raw material into finished products there is a reverse process - indirect costs outweigh the costs direct, process related to cost-per-activity. That is why we believe that a new state strategy is needed on the producer price. We also think that although there are negative approaches to standard costs, these costs are welcome to fund social activities. We also consider that cost-benefit analysis of a social nature justifies, firstly, the social result obtained, and then costs. Therefore, the use of the concept of costs must be in line with the nature of the economic and social domain.Item Country report: Republic of Moldova(2015) Moroz, Victor; Stratan, Alexandru; Ignat, Anatolie; Lucasenco, EugeniaCOUNTRY REPORT: REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under grant agreement no 612755