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Item Impactul pandemiei Covid-19 asupra calității vieții populației din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Timofti, Elena; Sarban, CristinaEconomia anului 2020 a fost puternic marcată de pandemia de COVID-19, care în martie a ajuns și în Republica Moldova. Pentru a stopa răspândirea infecției, guvernul de la Chișinău, la fel ca și guvernele din celelalte state ale lumii, a venit cu o serie de restricții de circulație și activități antreprenoriale, fapt care a avut efecte destul de negative pentru întreaga populație. Scopul cercetărilor este de a analiza impactul acestei pandemii asupra populației, punând în evidență necesitățile vitale, dar și felul în care aceasta a răspuns noilor provocări și schimbări în sfera socială și economică. Cercetările au fost realizate în baza datelor furnizate de Biroul Național de Statistică prin metode de analiză, sinteză, tabelară și grafică. În baza rezultatelor obținute s-a constatat că impactul crizei cauzate de acest virus reprezintă o amenințare pentru economia națională și pentru nivelul de trai al cetățenilor. În timpul acestei crize sanitare și acestor situații precare, este necesar să se protejeze nu numai sectoarele critice ale economiei, dar și locurile de muncă și angajații. The economy of 2020 was strongly marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which in March also reached the Republic of Moldova. In order to stop the spread of the infection, the government of Chisinau, as well as the governments in other countries of the world, came up with a series of traffic restrictions and entrepreneurial activities, which had quite negative effects for the entire population. The purpose of the research is to analyze the impact of this pandemic on the population, highlighting the vital needs, but also how it responded to new challenges and changes in the social and economic sphere. The research was based on data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics through methods of analysis, synthesis, tabulation and graphics. Based on the results obtained, it was found that the effects of the crisis caused by this virus pose a threat to the national economy and to the standard of living of the citizens. During this health crisis and these precarious situations, it is necessary to protect not only the critical sectors of the economy, but also jobs and workers.Item Impactul războiului din Ucraina asupra securității alimentare și influența acestuia asupra calității vieții populației Republicii Moldova(INCE, 2022) Sarban, CristinaThe beginning of 2022 has been shaken by the beginning of the war in Ukraine, which will affect Moldova in the long term. As a neighbouring country dependent on access routes with other states, namely through the territory of this country, it is feeling the negative impact of this war enormously and is strongly facing impediments to trade. This scourge will also generate profound changes in the design of security relations in the region and even globally, which may generate a food crisis due to the disruption of food exports, but will also create major humanitarian and social crises. The aim of the research is to analyse the impact of this war on the country's population and food security, highlighting vital needs and how to respond to new challenges and changes in the social and economic sphere. The research was carried out based on data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics using analytical, synthetic, tabular and graphical methods. Based on the research it was found that the impact of the crisis caused by this war is a threat to the national economy and the standard of living of citizens. However, these obstacles, force the development of the agro-industrial sector and its increased adaptation to the situation created and provides primarily for the development of infrastructure for production, post-harvesting and processing, which is in the early stages of development and has been influenced by the presence of cheaper raw materials from Ukraine.