Browsing by Author "Radu, Sorin Mihai"
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Item Noi standarde pentru pregatirea profesionala a inginerilor minieri si petrolisti in contextul crizei energetice mondiale(INCE, 2022) Radu, Sorin Mihai; Offenberg, Iulian; Andras, Iosif; Serafinceanu, Aurelian; Teseleanu, George; Minescu, MihailThe innovative development of the fossil mineral resource exploitation industry requires the existence of well-trained specialists both theoretically and practically. It is mandatory today for an engineer - whatever his technical specialty is - to have important digital knowledge in addition to the knowledge strictly related to his specialization. For engineers in direct production activity, this knowledge is necessary to be able to correctly and efficiently exploit the latest generation equipment and installations and to ask specialists in the field to design machines and installations of a superior generation. In addition, mining and petroleum engineers are in a continuous struggle with the unknown. Even if prospecting and exploitation methods have been perfected and modernized, when you work in the depths of the earth, on land or in the seas and oceans, surprises can appear at any time. The activity of exploiting useful mineral substances (solid, liquid, and gaseous) is not comparable to the activity of a factory or plant operating on the surface. It is not simple here either, and there are risks here too, but they are easier to manage. A big challenge for education in the oil and mining fields is attracting young people. This is in the context of promoting the use of green energy sources, which must obviously be done, and which alienates young people, they not understanding the fact that the two energy sources will coexist for a long time and the fact that the jobs in the exploitation of fossil mineral resources will not disappear. In order to understand all this, the paper schematically addresses the issue related to the analysis of the personality structure of the mining/petroleum engineer, the factors 35 that determine personal development, the evaluation criteria of personal development, and his technological culture. In this sense, the basic qualities, attitude, and skills necessary for the mining/petroleum engineer are analyzed. Dezvoltarea inovatoare a industriei de exploatare a resurselor minerale fosile necesită existenta unor specialisti bine pregatiti atât teoretic cat si practic. Este obligatoriu astăzi pentru un inginer- oricare ar fi specitalitatea tehnică a acestuia, ca pe lânga cunostințele legate strict de specializare sa dețină cunostințe digitale importante. Pentru inginerii din activitatea productvă directă, aceste cunostințe sunt necesare pentru a putea exploata corect și eficient echipamentele și instalațile de ultima generație și a solicita specialiștilor din domeniu proiectarea de masini si instalatii de o generatie superioara. In plus inginerii minieri si petrolisti sunt intr-o lupta continua cu necunoscutul. Chiar daca metodele de prospectare si exploatare s-au perfectionat si modernizat, atunci cund lucrezi in adancurile pamantului, pe uscat sau in largul marilor si oceanelor surprizele pot apărea in orice moment. Activitatea de exploatare a substantelor minerale utile (solide, lichide si gazoase), nu se compara cu activitate dintro fabrica sau uzina care functineaza la suprafata. Nici aici nu este simplu, si aici exista riscuri dar care sunt mai usor de gestionat O mare provocare pentru învățământul din domeniile petrolier si minier o constituie atragerea tinerilor. Aceasta in contextul in care se promovează folosirea surselor de energie verde, care trebuie evident facuta, si care îndepărtează tinerii, acestia neînțelegând faptul ce cele doua surse de energie vor coexita vreme indelungata si faptul ca locurile de munca din domeniul exploatarii resurselor minerale fosile nu vor dispărea. Pentru a înțelege toate acestea lucrarea abordează schematic problematica legată de analiza structurii personalității inginerului minier/petrolist, factorii care determină dezvoltarea personală, criteriile de evaluare a dezvoltării personale și cultura tehnologică a acestuia. In acest sens se analizează calitățile de bază, atitudinea și competențele necesare inginerului minier/petrolist.Item Researches regarding the temperature evolution of the coal deposits in oltenia quaries(INCE, 2015) Mititica, Teodora; Radu, Sorin Mihai; Prip, Ioan; Ionitescu, NadiaCoal oxidation represents an unwanted phenomenon which appears due to the interaction of coal with the atmospheric oxygen, phenomenon taking place during its life span, namely from the moment of its extraction until it is consumed. From an economic point of view, coal oxidation causes considerable losses in quantity as well as in quality at the production units as well as at the consumer ones, as the initial existent parameters were not found during its storage. In order to reduce this kind of phenomenon, it is required to follow the behaviour of coal, in time, stored in technological storages, to check the temperature of the stock periodically, to continuously monitor the zones liable to self-ignition, to methodically record all the factors involved in the oxidation of coal. For this purpose, to study the evolution of the temperature of the stock of coal depending on its storage period, the used method in managing the coal storages is the use of infrared thermography. Infrared thermography allows for the temperatures to be remotely measured (from centimetres to a hundreds of meters) and without direct contact, which is indispensable, for example considering electrical equipment found under tension or in the case of parts or materials with increased temperature or which are inaccessible. The evolution of the measured temperature took into account the following steps: the initiation and appearance of temperature areas, the development phase of the temperature areas and the phase during which the increased temperature cores appear. The evolution of the temperature on steps is presented in data and in graphical mode. After the measurements the entire coal quantity which was analysed was sent to be consumed.Item Sustenabilitatea circulară a resurselor și energiei(INCE, 2022) Ilias, Nicolae; Radu, Sorin Mihai; Offenberg, Iulian; Minescu, Mihail; Offenberg, AlexandraThe paper presents in the introductory part an analysis of the need and opportunity of the circular economy. The second part addresses the energy universe in which the opportunities of mankind are abundant and attractive due to the revolution of industrial technologies. Inseparable from resources, from the preindustrial period to the present, technologies have evolved in leaps and bounds. The four great industrial revolutions are defined, found in the literature as Industry 1.0, 2.0. 3.0 and 4.0, characterized by energy metamorphosis. Two primordial chemical elements are analyzed - C and H2, which have irreversibly changed the economies and craft societies through industrialization, electrification, digitalization and interconnectivity (global cyber-energy networks), in conditions of carbonization of energy. The third part presents the concept of the Geoenergetic landscape, in which new economies and "energy smart societies" are preparing for a new leap, an industrial revolution based on hydrogen technology (hydrogenation of energy).Item Water quality monitoring results at Baia de Aries underground closed mine(IEFS, 2012) Radu, Sorin Mihai; Traista, Eugen; Inisconi, Ioana; Stefanie, MariaAs a result of reduced mining activity in Romania, it was decided Baia de Aries mine closure due to inefficient economic weight. The works involve demolition of existing buildings, decontamination of soils, the setling ponds and sterile dumps rehabilitation. This paper presents these closure workings effects on waters quality.Item Water quality monitoring results at Baia de Arieş underground closed mine(IEFS, 2012) Radu, Sorin Mihai; Traista, Eugen; Inisconi, Ioan; Stefanie, MariaAs a result of reduced mining activity in Romania, it was decided Baia de Aries mine closure due to inefficient economic weight. The works involve demolition of existing buildings, decontamination of soils, the setling ponds and sterile dumps rehabilitation. This paper presents these closure workings effects on waters quality.