Browsing by Author "Popa, Nicolae"
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Item Economia circulară: colectarea deșeurilor(INCE, 2022) Iordachi, Victoria; Popa, Viorica; Popa, NicolaeGestionarea deşeurilor reprezintă una dintre problemele importante cu care se confruntă Republica Moldova în activităţile de protecţie a mediului. În prezent, problema deşeurilor se manifestă tot mai acut, din cauza creşterii cantităţii şi diversităţii acestora, precum şi a impactului lor negativ tot mai pronunţat asupra mediului înconjurător. Dezvoltarea urbanistică şi industrială a localităţilor, precum şi creşterea generală a nivelului de trai al populaţiei, antrenează producerea unor cantităţi din ce în ce mai mari de deşeuri. Obiectivele de bază ale politicii actuale a Uniunii Europene privind deşeurile, la care urmează să ne aliniem, constau în prevenirea generării deşeurilor şi în promovarea reutilizării, reciclării şi recuperării pentru asigurarea protecţiei mediului. Deşeurile sunt din ce în ce mai mult percepute ca o sursă de materie primă valoroasă pentru sectorul industrial, cu abordări cum ar fi reutilizarea, reciclarea şi recuperarea de energie, este aplicată reglementarea deşeurilor de ambalare, a vehiculelor scoase din uz, a deşeurilor de echipamente electrice şi electronice, deşeurilor biodegradabile şi anvelopelor.Item Evoluțiile și perspectivele de dezvoltare a sectorului de creditare nebancară din Republica Moldova, în contextul noii reglementări(Artifex, 2020) Timus, Andrei; Popa, NicolaeThe microfinance sector is an important financial resources provider, and more than this, for some individuals, small entrepreneurs, individual entrepreneurs is the only possibility to obtain money fordevelopment. In recent years the microfinance sector in the Republic of Moldova is in continuously developing and shows stable growth. Recent research in the field highlights the importance and potential of the sector, aswell as a number of shortcomings that have negative implications for final consumers and operating institutions. Thus, in order to ensure a sustainable development, to reduce the systemic risk and to protect the consumers of services, the national supervisory authorities have continuously improved the regulatory framework. The last significant changes in the legislation were made in October 2018. This study reflects the main legal interventions operated by national supervisory authorities and, respectively, the results of the activity of non-bank credit organizations and savings and loan associations until after the legislative changes.Item Gestionarea deșeurilor din Republica Moldova în contextul pandemiei COVID-19(INCE, 2020) Popa, Viorica; Popa, NicolaeOdata cu declanșarea epidemiei coronavirusul (Covid-19) intr-o perioada scurta, toate sectoarele economiei globale la nivel mondial, au fost afectate indeosebi sanatatea publica și mediul. Pentru a limita impactul epidemiei de Covid-19 asupra sanatații și economiei țarile din intreaga lume, se iau masuri sau acțiuni de reducerea crizei. Totuși, criza cauzata de Covid-19 atenueaza o parte din impactul activitaților economice asupra mediului și a climei.Item Infrastructura de colectare a deșeurilor în contextul dezvoltării durabile(Artifex, 2022) Popa, Viorica; Popa, NicolaeThe concept of sustainable development implies the implementation of some mechanisms and policies, which allow both economic development and the preservation of the state of the environment at the same time, capturing both the increase in the degree of responsibility and the increase in economic efficiency in the sense of minimizing the costs of reducing the damage suffered by the environment due to consumption human. Thus, the EU has become a global promoter of sustainable development. The environmental policy of the European Union is becoming more and more comprehensive and closely correlated with the other European community policies that can be correlated with those of the Republic of Moldova. Currently, the problem of waste manifests itself more and more acutely, due to the increase in its quantity and diversity, as well as its increasingly pronounced negative impact on the environment. The urban and industrial development of localities, as well as the general increase in the standard of living of the population, leads to the production of increasingly large amounts of waste. Actions to reduce these impacts will be essential, as the amounts generated by waste are growing faster than any other environmental pollutant, especially in developing regions, or in rural areas where waste represents a larger share of global emissions. In this article, the theoreticalpractical aspects regarding the organization of separate waste collection in the Republic of Moldova are analyzed. The research was conducted within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 Developing the circular economy mechanism for the Republic of Moldova.Item Microfinance - global development strategies and practices(INCE, 2019) Popa, Viorica; Popa, NicolaeThe theoretical approaches to the models of development of global microfinance oriented strategic policies are less defined in the specialized scientific literature. Studies in this field show that the typology of microfinance models differs depending on the local conditions of the economy and society. Thus, we can say that the main microfinance schemes currently used in the world, according to the way microfinance operates and implemented, exist in different regions of the world such as Africa, Asia, North America, of course Europe.In this article, the authors, elucidates the process of developing global policy-oriented microfinance mechanisms. The aim of the research is to elucidate the conceptual framework on microfinance, strategic microfinance tools at EU level and the main trends of the sector at global level. To achieve the objectives proposed in the study, the authors used the following research methods and tools: the method of synthesis, comparison, analogy and comparative analysis. Research, analyzing EU policies, strategic tools and practices in the field of microfinance, which are of major interest to the Republic of Moldova, aim at assimilating and applying strategic models by improving the microfinance sector in the Republic of Moldova.Item Procesul de valorificare a surselor de energie regenerabile în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2023) Popa, Viorica; Popa, Nicolae; Filimon, OlegRenewable energy sources are one of the most challenging ways in which almost half of the target set and agreed in the Paris Agreement on climate change can be achieved, with the aim of reducing resource consumption, optimizing costs and ensuring a more sustainable future. bright and more energy-safe. The Republic of Moldova faces numerous energy challenges, including dependence on energy imports and a growing demand for energy to fuel economic growth. Imported fossil fuels already account for over two-thirds of primary energy supplies, making the country vulnerable to rising fuel costs and the risks of supply disruptions. On the other hand, the Republic of Moldova has a major renewable energy potential, which, until now, has remained almost unexploited. With the increasing cost competitiveness of renewable energy policymakers have increasingly recognized renewable energy as an important means to address these energy challenges and achieve a sustainable future. The objective of the study is to analyze the process of valorization of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Moldova as well as the intelligent solutions adapted to the conditions of the national economy. The hypothesis is formulated starting from the results presented in the literature analysis section and consists in the fact that one of the basic rules of the energy efficiency transition is the exploitation of renewable energy sources in new resources for other industries. This study was developed within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 "Development of the mechanism for formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova” funded from the state budget through the National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova.Item Salcia – o oportunitate de aprovizionare pentru Republica Moldova cu energie alternativa(IEFS, 2011) Popa, NicolaeThe continuing increase in energy prices and environmental pollution cause more and more organizations and individuals to turn to various alternative solutions for energy production, that and thermal power as. By choosing alternative energy sources, consumers benefit from core economy and ecological environment clean. Thus, energy willow, is an alternative source of clean energy and energy supply an opportunity for Moldova.Item Separate waste collection – an indispensable factor in implementing the circular economy model(Performantica, 2022) Iordachi, Victoria; Popa, Viorica; Popa, NicolaeWaste management is one of the important problems thatthe Republic of Moldova is facing in environmental protection activities. At present, the problem of waste is manifesting more acutely, due to the increase of its quantity and diversity, as well as of its more pronounced negative impacton the environment. The urban and industrial development of the localities, as well as the general increase of the living standard of the population, entails the production of huge quantities of waste. In order to implement a sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management System, it is necessary, first of all, to create premises for the separate collection of waste. This article analyses the theoretical and practical aspects of organizing the separate collection of waste in rural and urban areas. At the same time, the authors aim to cross the path of waste circularity from collection to recycling, but also to identify good practices regarding the organization of the integrated waste management system. The research was conducted within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22. Developing the circular economy mechanism for the Republic of Moldova.Item Tranziția energetică: provocări, tendințe și soluții(INCE, 2022) Popa, Viorica; Popa, NicolaeAt the global level, humanity is faced with the problem of excessive consumption of energy resources. The challenges of the energy sector are complex: capitalizing on renewable energy sources, reducing energy consumption from fossil sources, increasing energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption, as well as reducing CO2 emissions. In recent years, energy efficiency is one way we have to contribute to maintaining the sustainability of the planet. Energy is an input like any other used in the production process, no doubt for this reason, what is sought with its efficient use is to produce more while spending less energy. Energy efficiency is generally based on the optimization of consumption, which involves the search for the lowest energy intensity, a "rational use of energy", through more efficient processes and means. The objective of the study is to analyze the opportunities offered by energy efficiency as well as intelligent solutions adapted to the conditions of the national economy. The hypothesis is formulated starting from the results presented in the literature analysis section and consists in the fact that one of the basic rules of the energy efficiency transition is the exploitation of renewable energy sources in new resources for other industries. This study was developed within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 "Development of the mechanism for formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova” funded from the state budget through the National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova.Item Tranziția energetică: provocări, tendințe și soluții(INCE, 2022) Popa, Viorica; Popa, NicolaeAt the global level, humanity is faced with the problem of excessive consumption of energy resources. The challenges of the energy sector are complex: capitalizing on renewable energy sources, reducing energy consumption from fossil sources, increasing energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption, as well as reducing CO2 emissions. In recent years, energy efficiency is one way we have to contribute to maintaining the sustainability of the planet. Energy is an input like any other used in the production process, no doubt for this reason, what is sought with its efficient use is to produce more while spending less energy. Energy efficiency is generally based on the optimization of consumption, which involves the search for the lowest energy intensity, a "rational use of energy", through more efficient processes and means. The objective of the study is to analyze the opportunities offered by energy efficiency as well as intelligent solutions adapted to the conditions of the national economy. The hypothesis is formulated starting from the results presented in the literature analysis section and consists in the fact that one of the basic rules of the energy efficiency transition is the exploitation of renewable energy sources in new resources for other industries. This study was developed within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 "Development of the mechanism for formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova” funded from the state budget through the National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova.