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Item Actual global trends the of sharing economy(INCE, 2023) Luchian, Ivan; Doncev, TatianaThe collaborative economy is a socio-economic model based on the concept of the joint use of physical and human resources, which provides for the creation, production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services by individuals and organizations, jointly. It is known by a wide variety of names: access economy, crowd-based capitalism, collaborative economy, community- based economy, gig economy, peer economy, peer-to-peer economy, platform economy, renting economy and on-demand economy. The purpose of this article is to highlight the global trends in the field of sharing economy. In order to perfect this publication, the opinions of experts in the field addressed from different countries were examined. Sharing economy has a number of positive aspects, as well as certain shortcomings. During the economic and ecological crisis, the development of the sharing economy presents itself as one of the effective solutions. The global sharing economy market in the year 2022 was about 150 billion USD. The forecast is to reach USD 335 billion in 2025 and USD 794 billion by 2028. Today we can talk about the following areas of the sharing economy: collaborative consumption, open knowledge, joint production, joint financing. The development of the sharing economy is linked to the digitization process. The implementation of the sharing economy in the Republic of Moldova can have beneficial effects, but it requires legislative, administrative, economic and educational efforts.Item Crizele financiare: concepte, forme şi canale de transmisie(INCE, 2014) Luchian, Ivan; Gherbovet, SergiuCriza financiară reprezintă un set de acoperiri sistematice a pieţelor financiare şi a instituţiilor din sectorul financiar, circulaţia monetară, finanţele internaţionale, finanţele publice, municipale şi corporative. Fenomenul când criza financiară poate fi mutată de la o organizaţie la alta sau chiar de la o ţară la alta se numeşte contagiune financiară. Contagiunea financiară poate fi, de asemenea, un declanşator de criză valutară, criza financiară, criza economică la nivel internaţional şi intern. Scopul principal al acestui articol este de a reflecta concepte, forme şi mecanisme de transmitere a crizei financiare si contagiune şi importanţa studiilor sale de politici financiare elaborare si promovare.Item Global trends of alternative investments(INCE, 2016) Luchian, Ivan; Tvircun, AlexandraAn alternative investment is an investment product other than the traditional investments of stocks, bonds, cash, or property. The term is a relatively loose one and includes tangible assets such as art, wine, antiques, coins, or stamps and some financial assets such as commodities, hedge funds, venture capital,and others. At the moment it was created a global industry opportunities for making investments in nontraditional form. The aim of this paper consists in demonstrating the possibilities of these investments. For this have been studied related main international markets, after then deducted world dominant trends. This article is concerned to present some details of alternative investments global market.Item Inovatii bancare si crize(INCE, 2020) Panfil, Cristina; Luchian, IvanIn literatura de specialitate și activitatea practica exista multiple opinii și structurari teoretice, precum și predicții diferite cu privire la relația dezvoltare economica -criza economica și financiara – inovație. In contextul crizei declanșate de pandemie, problematica abordata este de interes deosebit, in general, dar și pentru sistemul financiar-bancar, in special. In prezenta lucrare incercam sa desprindem legaturile dintre aceste concepte și sa identificam soluții pentru o relație de interdependența eficienta.Item Orientările globale ale reformelor fiscale(IEFS, 2012) Luchian, Ivan; Timus, AngelaÎn ultimii cincisprezece ani, multe guverne au iniţiat reforme fiscale de amploare. Acest proces este puternic influenţat de factori specifici economici, sociali şi financiari, mai ales de globalizare, criza economică şi frauda fiscală. Acest articol este dedicat să explice principalele aspecte ale acestui proces, având la bază unele nuanţe cruciale.Item Problemele actuale ale gestiunii calității produselor bancare(INCE, 2022) Luchian, Ivan; Filip, AngelaThe notion of quality of a product expressed by its ability to satisfy a certain consumer’s need seems to be extremely explored in the specialized literature. But the current reality tends to introduce essential changes both in the conceptual bases of this notion, as well as quality management technologies by banking service providers, which determines the topicality of performed research. Within the study were studied publications from different sources regarding new development trends of banking marketing, as well as normative acts of international and national level in the banking field. The purpose of this paper is to present the current summary of quality management issue of banking products. As a result of research, first of all, it can be presented a certain confrontation of new marketing concepts in the field of quality management of banking services with new prudential regulations of banking activity. Modern marketing reviews the attitude of banking service provider through the prism of quality management system, customer relations management system and unwanted customer concept. On the other hand, prudential regulations is oriented in four directions: maintaining healthy financial situation of banking institution, compliance with customer standards in order to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, technological regulations, respecting consumers' rights on banking market. Both areas contain important contradictions. Modern banking management has the task to generate constructive solutions for the issue of forming, maintaining and developing the relations of banking institutions with their customers. Noțiunea de calitate a unui produs exprimată prin capacitatea sa de a satisface o anumită nevoie a consumatorului pare a fi extrem de explorată în literatura de specialitate. Dar realitatea actuală tinde să introducă schimbări esențiale atât în bazele conceptuale ale acestei noțiuni, cât și în tehnologiile de management al calității de către furnizorii de servicii bancare, care determină actualitatea cercetărilor efectuate. În cadrul studiului au fost studiate publicațiile din diferite surse privind noile tendințe de dezvoltare a marketingului bancar, precum și actele normative la nivel internațional și național în domeniul bancar. Scopul lucrării este de a prezenta rezumatul actual al problemei managementului calității produselor bancare. În urma cercetării, în primul rând, se poate prezenta o anumită confruntare a noilor concepte de marketing în domeniul managementului calității serviciilor bancare cu noile reglementări prudențiale ale activității bancare. Marketingul modern revizuiește atitudinea prestatorului de servicii bancare prin prisma sistemului de management al calității, al sistemului de management al relațiilor cu clienții și al conceptului de client nedorit. Pe de altă parte, reglementările prudențiale sunt orientate în patru direcții: menținerea unei situații financiare sănătoase a instituției bancare, respectarea normelor clienților pentru a preveni spălarea banilor și finanțarea terorismului, reglementările tehnologice, respectarea drepturilor consumatorilor pe piața bancară. Ambele domenii conțin contradicții importante. Managementul bancar modern are sarcina de a genera soluții constructive pentru problema formării, menținerii și dezvoltării relațiilor instituțiilor bancare cu clienții lor.Item Retrospectiva procesului investiţional din Republica Moldova(IEFS, 2011) Luchian, Ivan; Ciobu, StelaThe investment process constitutes the entire activity to design and realization of investment objectives undertaken to achieve its accomplishment and put into operation, using different material, financial, labor resources and time. The quality of its development largely determines a country's economic development, bringing multiple effects on society in general. After browsing the twenty years of the state Republic of Moldova now can be made a retrospective look at the investment process within mentioned territory. This article is dedicated to highlighting the basic steps of the investment process in Republic of Moldova, making necessary conclusions.Item Role of diaspora investments for the community development(INCE, 2019) Iordachi, Victoria; Luchian, Ivan; Timus, AndreiCultivating and facilitating diaspora homeland investment has become a significant concern of many national governments and multilateral organizations. Diaspora policy becomes important as a means to strengthen migrants‘ affinity to the country of origin and encourage contributions to economic and social development. In this article we will analyze what determinants motivate diaspora to invest in their homeland for the community development to be able to elaborate adequate policies to involve all migrants working abroad in the country’s development, as well as their return home combined with business investment and knowledge transfer. In the final, there will be elaborated appropriate recommendations to describe what behavioral mechanisms can be exploited by policy-makers to increase the effectiveness of interventions for stimulation of diaspora investments for the community development.Item Speculative bubbles and financial crises(,,Victor Slăvescu” Centre For Financial And Monetary Research, 2014) Feteniuc, Valentina; Luchian, Ivan; Gherbovet, SergiuThe speculative bubble can be defined as the trade in high volumes at prices that are considerably at variance with intrinsic values of certain assets. The burst of speculative bubble can cause financial crisis in specific form created by situation of investment process dysfunction, when investors looking for investment refuges and refuse usual investment opportunities. This phenomenon can be a substantial basis of liquidity crisis and general financial crisis. Therefore is very important for regulation authorities to take in to account the possibility of this type of crisis to elaborate specific measures to prevent and reduce the consequences.Item Tendinţe mondiale ale pieţei cardurilor de credit(IEFS, 2011) Luchian, Ivan; Timus, AngelaCartea de credit este un card de plastic mic, emis utilizatorilor ca un sistem de plată şi permite titularului să cumpere bunuri şi servicii contra promisiunii titularului de a plăti bunuri şi servicii. Emitentul cardului creează un cont de tip revolving şi acordă o linie de credit de consum (sau utilizator) de la care utilizatorul poate împrumuta bani pentru plata la un comerciant sau un avans de numerar pentru utilizator. Acest articol analizează tendinţele mondiale de pe piata cardurilor de credit.Item Tendințele actuale ale activitatii investitionale în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Luchian, Ivan; Filip, AngelaAt the moment, the investment process in the Republic of Moldova is taking place under the conditions of an unfavorable market situation both at the international and national level. The main purpose of the study was to determine the basic trends of the development of the investment process in the Republic of Moldova. For this, official databases and reports of authorized public institutions were examined. In the same way, the opinions of experts in the given field were studied. The study was conducted on the basic aspects of investment activity: investment in fixed assets, foreign investment, capital market investment opportunities, and investment in free economic zones. During the pandemic crisis, the investment activity in the Republic of Moldova decreased, and currently an important relaunch of the investment activity and a continuation of the attraction of foreign investments can be observed. But until now, an important problem remains the qualitative orientation of the investment activity; the placements in the country's productive sectors remain at an insufficient level. The capital market in the Republic of Moldova continues to have an underdeveloped character. In addition to this, under the conditions of the crisis, its development continued, with the main segment remaining the state securities market. One of the elements of the investment policy of the Republic of Moldova is to ensure the continuity and development of the activity of free economic zones, the liquidation of which is foreseen by the Association Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova.