Rojco, AnatoliiHeghea, Ecaterina2024-02-192024-02-192023РОЖКО, Анатолий, ХЕГЯ, Екатерина. Новые подходы к исследованию качества жизни сельского населения. In: Economic growth in the conditions of globalization: conference proceedings: International Scientific-Practical Conference, XVIIth edition, october 12-13, 2023, Chisinau. Chisinau: SEP ASEM, 2023, vol. II, pp. 310-319. ISBN 978-9975-167-21-5 (PDF). lb. rusă. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 319 (4 titl.). JEL Classification: I00, I31, I32. UDC: 330.59(478-22).The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the problem of the quality of life occupies an important place in the documents that determine the medium and long-term prospects for the development of the Republic of Moldova. The adopted National Development Strategy „European Moldova-2030” (LEGE, 2022) sets strategic goals arising from the modern concept of quality of life. In this context, the problem of the quality of life of rural residents, whose number makes up more than half of the total population, and whose level and conditions of life are significantly inferior to the national average, is of particular importance. The purpose of the study is to assess the quality of life of the rural population and, on this basis, to identify the most acute problems in this area. The following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, monographic, statistical, comparison, analogues, etc. The information base of the study is the data from the household budget survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics, as well as materials from domestic and international organizations. Results of the study - the assessment of the quality of life of the rural population of the Republic of Moldova was carried out according to the following parameters: disposable income, consumer spending, absolute poverty, demographic situation, food consumption, access to quality education, health status, living comfort, self-assessment of their standard of living. The most acute problems of the quality of life of the rural population of the Republic of Moldova have been identified. Научная статья подготовлена и профинансирована в рамках проекта Государственной программы (2020-2023 г.г.), зарегистрированной в Государственном реестре проектов в области науки и инноваций Республики Молдова 20.80009.0807.29 ”Perfecționarea mecanismelor de aplicare a instrumentelor inovaționale orientate spre creșterea durabilă a bunăstării populației Republicii Moldova”.otherquality of liferural populationhouseholdsconsumer price indexpoverty riskfood affordabilityeducational servicesmedical servicescalitatea vietiipopulatia ruralagospodariiindicele preturilor de consumriscul saracieiaccesibilitatea alimentelorserviciile educationaleservicii medicaleНовые подходы к исследованию качества жизни сельского населенияArticle