Iordachi, Victoria2024-05-072024-05-072023IORDACHI, Victoria. Optimizarea gestionării, cheia succesului în implementarea economiei circulare = Management optimization, the key to success in implementing the circular economy. In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere: conferința internațională, ediția a XIX-a, 27 octombrie 2023, Iași. Iași, 2023, vol. XLV, pp. 169-182. ISSN 2971-8740.2971-8740 lb. engl. Adnotare: engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 182 (12 titl.). JEL classification: Q01, Q53, Q58.This article explores the essential role of structure management and governance in the promotion and effective implementation of the circular economy. In the context of pressures on natural resources and environmental impact, the circular economy asserts itself as a sustainable model that aims to reduce waste, reuse resources and increase sustainability. But the success of such a transition depends critically on how this complex transformation is managed. This article highlights the importance of well-defined strategic planning that includes clear objectives and performance indicators to guide the transition process. It also addresses the need to develop a coherent legal and political framework to support circular economic practices through appropriate incentives, regulations and norms. The article concludes by highlighting the major benefits of effective governance in the circular economy: resource optimization, waste reduction, innovation stimulation, positive environmental impact, job creation and increased economic competitiveness. Therefore, it is emphasized that proper structure management and governance are the fundamental pillars for a successful transition to the circular economy, benefiting the environment, the economy and society as a whole.encircular economyeffective governanceproduct life cyclesustainable economywaste managementOptimizarea gestionării, cheia succesului în implementarea economiei circulareManagement optimization, the key to success in implementing the circular economyArticle