Glushkov, OlegSahdieieva, OlhaKrayz, LiliaShekera, Svitlana2025-01-272024GLUSHKOV, Oleg, SAHDIEIEVA, Olha, KRAYZ, Lilia, SHEKERA, Svitlana. Eco-farms - a new format of tourist locations in the hospitality system. In: Economic growth in the face of global challenges. Consolidation of national economies and reduction of social inequalities: Conference proceedings: International Scientific-Practical Conference, XVIIIth edition, October 10-11, 2024, Chisinau. Chisinau: [S. n.], INCE, ASEM, 2024, vol. III: Well-being, inclusion and the reduction of social inequalities, pp. 188-198. ISBN 978-9975-167-82-6. ISBN 978-9975-167-83-3 (PDF).978-9975-167-82-6978-9975-167-83-3 (PDF) lb. engl. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 197-198 (14 titl.). JEL Classification: L83, Z30, Z32, Z39. UDC: 338.48-6:641/642.Agrotourism is a promising direction of rural tourism development, which combines agriculture with tourism, giving tourists the opportunity to immerse themselves in authentic rural life. It contributes not only to the economic growth of rural areas, but also to the preservation of cultural and natural resources. One of the new and innovative formats of tourist locations in agritourism is eco-farms, which combine agricultural activities with the principles of sustainable development and environmental safety to create unique and in-depth experiences for travelers. In recent years, many eco-farms have appeared in Ukraine, which are aimed at the production of natural products with a high-quality standard, which limits the use of chemicals. On such farms, you can not only enjoy organic food, but also have a good rest with the whole family. Eco-farms tend to operate in an environmentally friendly manner, focusing on organic farming methods, renewable energy sources and responsible water use. This is consistent 189 with the principles of sustainable development, attracting tourists looking for ecofriendly destinations and activities. If earlier visiting eco-farms was initially limited to the purchase of already harvested agricultural products, now with the growing interest in consuming quality food, tourists are offered not only excursion programs, but also master classes on harvesting, seminars and interactive events that teach tourists about sustainable agriculture economy, wildlife conservation and ecological principles.enrural tourismeco-farmsagritourismtourist locationssustainable developmentdestinationsEco-farms - a new format of tourist locations in the hospitality systemArticle