Lytvynchuk, AnnaBliznyuk, Olga2024-09-052024-09-052022LYTVYNCHUK, Anna, BLIZNYUK, Olga. Factors and criteria for assessing the competitiveness of industrial clusters in the context of the main components of the organizational and economic mechanism. In: Economic growth in the conditions of globalization: conference proceedings: International Scientific-Practical Conference, XVIth edition, October 12-13, 2022, Chisinau. Chisinau: INCE, 2022, volume I, pp. 132-140. ISBN 978-9975-3583-7-8; ISBN 978-9975-3583-8-5 (PDF). (PDF) lb. engl. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 139-140 (7 titl.). JEL Classification: O14, O25, R112. UDC: 332.133.6+339.137.2.In modern economic conditions, the possibility of ensuring industrial safety is a priority task of state policy, since the issues of competitiveness of the national economy, and sometimes its survival under the influence of external factors, originate directly from it. The ongoing processes and structural changes in industry affect all economic agents, starting from ordinary consumers and small producers of products, ending with big business and the state itself as the central link of industrial policy. The article substantiates the relevance of promising direction of sustainable development of the national economy – clustering – an effective tool for increasing the competitive positions of regional industrial policy in foreign markets based on improving social, economic, investment, innovation, infrastructure, technological and environmental development directions and their components. In this regard, the issues of integration in industrial policy occupy the main place both in business structures and in public authorities, civil institutions. The goal is to develop criteria for assessing the competitiveness management of agro–industrial clusters. The object of research is cooperative–integration (cluster) structures. The subject of the study is the components of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the competitiveness of cooperative integration (cluster) structures. The main result of the authors’ research are groups of factors contributing to and hindering the competitiveness management of regional cooperative productions are identified, contributing to the identification of regional advantages of creating priority industrial cooperative-integration industries.encompetitivenessindustrial clusterscontrol mechanismagro-industrial complexcomponentsevaluation criteriaregional competitivenessSWOT analysisPEST analysisFactors and criteria for assessing the competitiveness of industrial clusters in the context of the main components of the organizational and economic mechanismArticle