Moscalu, Olga2021-11-092021-11-092019MOSCALU, Olga. Accesul la locuințe pentru familiile tinere din Republica Moldova. In : Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges „ Innovative economic-social Approaches in the Knowledge Society”: international symposium, 5th edition, December 12th-13th, 2019. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2019, pp. 569-575. ISBN 978-606-8716-50-3.978-606-8716-50-3 lb. rom. Abstract: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 574-575 (4 titl.). JEL Classification: I38, J13, O18.The article analyzes the current situation of the real estate market and housing for young families in the Republic of Moldova. The analysis is focused on the access of housing to the real estate market of youth housing. In this paper, the following research methods were used: comparison, table, statistical method, etc.otherhousingreal estate marketincomeexpenseslocuintafamilie tanaraAccesul la locuințe pentru familiile tinere din Republica MoldovaArticle