Bujor, TatianaGrinciuc, LilianaDeliu, Natalia2023-09-262023-09-262011BUJOR, Tatiana, GRINCIUC, Liliana, DELIU, Natalia. Rolul investițiilor străine în economia Republicii Moldova. In: Economic growth in conditions of internationalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile internaționalizării : international scientific and practical conference, VI-th edition, october 20-21, 2011, Chisinau. Chisinau: IEFS, 2011, vol. II, pp. 227-233. ISBN 978-9975-4176-7-9.978-9975-4176-7-9https://rses.ince.md/handle/123456789/2023Text: lb. rom. Abstract: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 233 (5 titl.).The investments have an important role in the economy of a country, as they represent the material support of its social-economic development. They ensure the increase of fixed capital, technical and economic efficiency of the existing investments and also the creation of new working places. In this context the investments represent the decisive element of the economic growth, and of the intensive, qualitative and efficiency factors’ promotion. In any economic, social or cultural field the investments are associated with the idea of development.rominvestitii straineeconomieRepublica MoldovaRolul investițiilor străine în economia Republicii MoldovaArticle