Popa, Viorica2021-07-062021-07-062013POPA, Viorica. The access to finance in Moldova - banking compared to microfinance organizations. In: Financial Studies, 2013, volume 17, issue 4 , pp. 22-34. ISSN 2066-6071.2066-6071https://rses.ince.md/handle/123456789/1260Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 33-34 (11 titl.). JEL Classification: G15, G21, G23.The objective of this article is the comparative analysis of the banking sector with the non-bank sector of the Republic of Moldova, by the elucidation of the main trends of development of microfinance and banking institution in the last five years, as being reflected by the improvement of all indicators. In this article, the author analyses the microfinance institutions in Moldova through the financial soundness indicators (the degree of financial intermediation). In the first part of the article, the author analyses the main trends in the microfinance sector compared to the banking sector in recent years, requiring the implementation of an effective and coherent strategic management for banking and non- performing strategies and to maintain the financially stability through appropriate policies administration and risk management. A very suggestive remark about the author is the difficult access to finance in Moldova, representing a particular importance to any economy. In this context, the shocks arising from the financial and economic crisis have affected both credit supply and demand as well. Thus, the existence of appropriate strategic policy to minimize risk in a bank and microfinance institution, condition a management with a high level of professionalism and quality.enfinancebanking sectormicrofinance sectorRepublic of MoldovaThe access to finance in Moldova - banking compared to microfinance organizationsArticle