Stratan, Alexandru2017-06-082017-06-082010STRATAN, Alexandru. Reflecţii asupra problemelor atragerii investiţiilor străine în Republica Moldova. In: AKADEMOS. 2010, nr. 4(19), pp. 13-14. ISSN 1857-0461.1857-0461 lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 14(3 titl.).Under conditions of fi erce market competition, managerial thinking plays an increasing role reflected by investments of strategic orientation. In this context, local companies are less cost competitive than foreign ones. The environment of influence on the investments is a societal environment in which they are placed. The analysis of environmental, economic, political and legal factors represents a strategic step for the opportunity to invest in a particular country. At this chapter, Republic of Moldova stands bad with all of the factors mention above.otherinvestiţii străineRepublica MoldovaReflecţii asupra problemelor atragerii investiţiilor străine în Republica MoldovaArticle