Duca, AureliaGribincea, CorinaGribincea, Alexandru2022-03-282022-03-282020DUCA, Aurelia, GRIBINCEA, Corina, GRIBINCEA, Alexandru. Rethinking the manufacturing systems and intervening on the consumption mode through the circular economy = Regandirea sistemelor de fabricație și intervenirea asupra modului de consum prin prisma economiei circulare. In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere: materialele conferinței științifice internaționale, ediția a XVI-a, 30 octombrie 2020, Iași. Iași, 2020, vol. XXXVII, pp. 141-150. ISBN 978-606-685-742-0.978-606-685-742-0https://rses.ince.md/handle/123456789/1511Referințe: p. 150 (12 titl.). JEL classification: D19, L26, M11.In the article there are analyzed the theoretical, legislative and program substantiation of the concept of circular economy; on one hand, it describes the links between the concept of circular economy, "green" economy and bio economy, and on the other hand the principles of sustainability. A central place in the article occupies the research of the economic dimension of sustainability in the circular concept of the economy and its repercussions on the regional economy.othermanufacturing systemsconsumptioncircular economysisteme de fabricatieconsumeconomie circularaRethinking the manufacturing systems and intervening on the consumption mode through the circular economyRegandirea sistemelor de fabricație și intervenirea asupra modului de consum prin prisma economiei circulareArticle