Pahomii, Irina2021-01-252021-01-252020PAHOMII, Irina. Regional aspects of COVID-19 mortality in the Republic of Moldova. In: Implicațiile economice și sociale ale pandemiei COVID-19: analize, prognoze și strategii de atenuare a consecințelor = Economic and social implications of the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis, forecasts and consequences mitigation strategies: teze ale conferinței științifice internaționale, 23 octombrie 2020, Chișinău. Chișinău, 2020, pp. 280 - 283. ISBN 978-9975-3463-3-7.978-9975-3463-3-7ţe bibliografice: p. 283 (7 titl.). JEL Clasification: J14, J17, P25.The study analyses regional aspects of Covid-19 mortality. Are studied age distribution, case fatality rate, share of premature mortality. The deaths are focused up to the age of 64-69 years. The highest case fatality rate is noted for the North - the lowest for Chisinau. The case fatality rate for men is nearly 2 times higher than for women. The highest share of premature deaths is noted in the Centre and South.enmortalitypremature mortalitydeathCOVID-19case fatality rateRepublic of MoldovaRegional aspects of COVID-19 mortality in the Republic of MoldovaArticle