Cristian, IrinaNovacov, Snejana2024-03-212024-03-212012CRISTIAN, Irina, NOVACOV, Snejana. Formarea si aparitia tehnologiei de foresight un proces important in dezvoltarea economiei bazate pe cunoastere. In: Economic growth in conditions of globalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării : international scientific and practical conference, VII-th edition, october 18-19, 2012, Chisinau. Chisinau: IEFS, 2012, vol. III, pp. 368-373. ISBN 978-9975-4381-1-7.978-9975-4381-1-7 lb. rom. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 373 (5 titl.).Technology Foresight is quite versatile. Forsyth includes a large number of methods and techniques that are applied in the Forsyth-projects around the world,starting with the 70-ies of the last century. The main idea of the Forsythe is determining the strategic directions of the development of science, technology, economy, social sphere, etc., through 15-20 years will be decisive for the entire world community.othereconomie bazata pe cunosteredezvoltare economicatehnologie de foresightdezvoltarea stiinteiFormarea si aparitia tehnologiei de foresight un proces important in dezvoltarea economiei bazate pe cunoastereArticle