Ianioglo, Alina2023-05-192023-05-192022IANIOGLO, Alina. Rolul politicilor publice în dezvoltarea ecosistemului antreprenorial. В: Stiinta. Еducatie. Сultura = Наука. Образование. Культура: международная научно-практическая конференция, 31-ая годовщина Комратского государственного университета: сборник статей. Комрат, 2022 , том 1: Экономические науки. Сельское хозяйство и перерабатывающая промышленность. Информационные технологии, математика и физика. Право и политические науки, c. 51-56. ISBN 978-9975-83-177-2.978-9975-83-177-2https://rses.ince.md/handle/123456789/1814Referințe bibliografice : pp. 55-56 (9 titl.).The article reveals the role of public policies in the development of entrepreneurial ecosystem. Based on the literature review and the analysis of foreign public policies, there was examined the experience of a number of countries and determined that government policies in some countries are mainly focused on supporting start-ups, while in others are concentrated on promoting high-growth firms, scale-ups. Also, there were examined the typology of policy frameworks and highlighted general principles and main aspects of policy for entrepreneurial ecosystems.otherentrepreneurial ecosystementrepreneurshipgovernment supportpublic policyfirmstart-upecosistem antreprenorialantreprenoriatsprijin guvernamentalpolitici publicefirmastart-upRolul politicilor publice în dezvoltarea ecosistemului antreprenorialArticle