Gagauz, Olga2017-09-132017-09-132013GAGAUZ, Olga. Evoluţia familiei în Republica Moldova din perspectiva celei de-a doua tranziţii demografice. In: Analele Institutului de Economie, Finanţe şi Statistica. 2013, pp. 167-173. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.978-9975-4326-6-51857-3630 în lb. engl. Bibliogr.:p. 173 (14 titl.). JEL Classification: J0, J1, J12The article discusses the spatial patterns in the Second Demographic Transition in the Republic of Moldova. The data show significant changes in trends affecting families, such as accelerated postponement in family formation(trends towards marriage and births at later years of life); decline of entry into marriage and spread of non-marital cohabitation; abrupt drop in births and rise in extra-marital births. The results show that the spatial pattern is mainly determined according to the regional socioeconomic situation, but the cultural characteristics have a secondary effect. In the Republic of Moldova, the changes in timing of demographic events (marriage and childbirth) occur at much slower pace compared to other countries, including those in the Central and Eastern Europe. The family formation at relatively young ages provides more space for birth planning. The beginning of the reproductive cycle in the family is relatively early, so that the couples have more time to review their reproductive plans in comparison with the Western countries, where the procreation process starts at the age of 30 years old.otherfamilieevolutia familieidemografiesecond demographic transitionfamily evolutionnuptialitynatalitydivorceRepublic of MoldovaRepublica MoldovaEvoluţia familiei în Republica Moldova din perspectiva celei de-a doua tranziţii demograficeArticle