Savcenco, Silvia2022-03-282022-03-282020SAVCENCO, Silvia. Conceptual aspects of human resource management within the public authorities = Aspecte conceptuale ale managementului resurselor umane în sfera autorităților publice. In : Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere: materialele conferinței științifice internaționale, ediția a XVI-a, 30 octombrie 2020, Iași. Iași, 2020, vol. XXXVII, pp. 445-451. ISBN 978-606-685-742-0.978-606-685-742-0țe: p. 451 (6 titl.). JEL classification: J24, J53, M54.The individual, through his/her structure, through feelings, mentality, culture, motivation, desires and, especially, through self-awareness, represents the most unknown thing of a system, being able to prevent or, on the contrary, being able to potentiate an action, a process, an activity. Human resources management consists of all activities aimed at ensuring, developing, motivating and maintaining human resources within the organization in order to achieve its maximum efficiency and meet the needs of employees. This article presents the conceptual aspects, such as: definitions, principles, methods and techniques of human resources management applicable in public authorities.othermanagementhuman resourcespublic authoritiesconceptual aspectsresurse umaneautoritati publiceConceptual aspects of human resource management within the public authoritiesAspecte conceptuale ale managementului resurselor umane în sfera autorităților publiceArticle