Staritina, LudmilaTimus, AngelaSadoveanu, Diana2018-11-292018-11-292016STARITINA, Ludmila, TIMUS, Angela, SADOVEANU, Diana. Central banks forecasting models and policy analysis systems in a new era. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării = Economic growth in conditions of globalization: conferința internaţională ştiinţifico-practică dedicată aniversării a 70-a de la fondarea primelor instituţii ştiinţifice, ediția a 11-a, 13-14 octombrie, 2016, Chișinău. Chișinău: INCE, 2016, vol. II , pp. 123-127. ISBN 978-9975-4000-6-0.978-9975-4000-6-0 p. 127 (10 titl.). JEL Classification: E5, E61, E31.Forecasts have a great importance in the monetary policy formulation and implementation process. In this paper we aimed to close the gap between the research and practice in the matters related to forecasting and policy analysis systems applied by central banks. Particularly, we relied on the structure of the basic framework for policy analysis, their theoretical background and main processes which they imply. We focused on the FPSA developed by central banks from CEE countries, inclusively by the National Bank of Moldova, namely its construction for short-term and mid-term forecasts.enmodelsinflation forecastingmid-term forecastscore modelnear-term forecastingDSGE modelsmonetary policyNational Bank of Moldovacentral bankRepublic of MoldovaCentral banks forecasting models and policy analysis systems in a new eraArticle