2022-12-092022-12-092022Economic growth in the conditions of globalization. Scientific session "Demographic processes and socioeconomic sustainability": conference proceedings: International Scientific-Practical Conference, XVIth edition, october 12-13, 2022, Chisinau. Chisinau: INCE, 2022, vol. III. 246 p. ISBN 978-9975-3385-7-8. ISBN 9789975-3385-8-5 (PDF).https://doi.org/10.36004/nier.cdr.2022.16 https://rses.ince.md/handle/123456789/1667Texte în lb. rom., engl., rusa. Rezumat în lb. engl. Referinte bibliogr. la sfarsitul art. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Presiden: STRATAN Alexandru, t Habilitated Doctor, University Professor, Correspondent Member of ASM, Rector of the AESM, Moldova. Vice President: GAGAUZ Olga, Habilitated Doctor, Associate Professor, Vice Director for Scientific Activity with the attributions of director, NIER, Moldova.The Scientific Session "Demographic processes and socioeconomic sustainability was held within the project from the State Program (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 “Migration, demographic changes and stabilization policy”.othersocioeconomic sustainabilitydemographydemographic changesschimbari demograficepolitica de stabilizaremigrationmigratiestabilization policyconferenceconferinta internationala stiintifico-practicainternational scientific-practical conferenceconferintaEconomic growth in the conditions of globalization. Scientific session "Demographic processes and socioeconomic sustainability". Vol. IIIOther