Staritina, LudmilaTimus, AngelaSadoveanu, Diana2018-11-292018-11-292016STARIŢÎNA, Ludmila, TIMUŞ, Angela, SADOVEANU, Diana. Assessment of the financial soundness of the Moldavian banking system. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării = Economic growth in conditions of globalization: conferința internaţională ştiinţifico-practică dedicată aniversării a 70-a de la fondarea primelor instituţii ştiinţifice, ediția a 11-a, 13-14 octombrie, 2016, Chișinău. Chișinău: INCE, 2016, vol. II , pp. 102-105. ISBN 978-9975-4000-6-0.978-9975-4000-6-0 p. 105 (13 titl.).In paper was performed an assessment of the Moldavian banking system soundness. The study was based on Kromonov approach, used by to investigate the reliability of the banking sector in CIS countries. The results were confirmed by the analysis of the main financial stability indicator, published by the National Bank of Moldova. Results denoted that in 2014 and 2015, was a slight improvement of the Moldavian banking system soundness, but despite this improvement, was showed a large gap between the determined level for the Republic of Moldova financial system and the “ideal” level.otherfinancial stabilityKromonov indexbanking sectorfinancial regulationAssessment of the financial soundness of the Moldavian banking systemArticle