Ciobanu, MihailSavcenco, Silvia2024-07-092024-07-092023CIOBANU, Mihail, SAVCENCO, Silvia. Tendencies in the development of social and economic situation of children in the Republic of Moldova. In: Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges „Management of Public Policies: National Selfishness vs. Planetary Responsibility”: international symposium, 12th edition, May 18th - 19th, 2023. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2023, pp. 191-204. ISBN 978 - 606 - 8716 - 71 - 8.978 - 606 - 8716 - 71 - 8 în lb. engl. Abstract în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 200-204 (26 titl.). JEL Classification: D13, D14, J13, I15, I21, I31, K36.In 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic was announced and in 2023 the pandemic emergency was declared ended. The policies that were applied in this period, including the restrictive ones had influenced the socioeconomic development, especially of vulnerable groups of population. One of the most vulnerable category of people are children and their socioeconomic situation also underwent changes. Like other countries, Republic of Moldova also was affected, so in this paper based on the socioeconomic indicators we try to identify and highlight the tendencies in the development of social and economic situation of children in the Republic of Moldova, taking into consideration demographical aspects related to children, children education, the main characteristics of the households with children, social protection of children, children health, culture and sport for children and children in contact with the law.othertendencieschildrenchildren in difficultyyouthRepublic of MoldovaTendencies in the development of social and economic situation of children in the Republic of MoldovaArticle