Morozniuc, Ion2018-07-162018-07-162013MOROZNIUC, Ion (2013). Bugetul de stat ca component de bază al finanţelor publice. In: Analele Institutului de Economie, Finanţe şi Statistică. 2013. pp. 123-125. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.978-9975-4326-6-51857-3630 în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 125 (4 titl.). JEL Classification: G0, H6, H61, H68, H72.The results of the study about the state budget evolution in the past decade, comprising both: the pre-crisis period and after it, are analyzed in this publication. The general conclusion of this research is: the state budget stabilization was one of the major successes, which helped to avoid a disastrous macroeconomic scenario, together with the explosive growth of inflation and currency collapse. Even the cooling economy in 2012 was expected to the Republic of Moldova, but not so much.otherbudgetbudget revenuesbudget deficitfinancingtaxrefunddisbursedpublic debtbugetdeficit bugetarfinanteimpozitarerambursarevenituri bugetareBugetul de stat ca component de bază al finanţelor publiceArticle