Ciobanu, MihailSavcenco, SilviaTimus, Andrei2022-12-012022-12-012022CIOBANU, Mihail, SAVCENCO, Silvia, TIMUȘ, Andrei. Suportul copiilor refugiaţi din Ucraina în Republica Moldova. In: Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges „Opportunities for changing the Economic Social Realities of the World”: international symposium, 10th edition, May 26th-27th, 2022. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2022, pp. 334-346. ISBN 978-606-8716-66-4.978-606-8716-66-4 lb. rom. Abstract: lb. engl. Referințe bibliografice : p. 346 (12 titl.). JEL Classification: I3, I24, F22, J13, J15, O15, R23.The war in Ukraine has led to a major refugee movement. According to UNCHR data, since February 24, 2022, more than 6.2 million people from Ukraine have become refugees. Numerous measures have been implemented to support refugees. However, because among the countries that have received refugees, the Republic of Moldova is the country with the highest pressure in terms of population and GDP per capita, as well as the fact that about half of the refugees are children, this article will identify and analyze the support measures for refugee children from Ukraine to the Republic of Moldova.romrefugeesUkraineRepublic of MoldovachildrensupportcopiirefugiatiSuportul copiilor refugiaţi din Ucraina în Republica MoldovaArticle