Rojco, AnatoliiHeghea, Ecaterina2024-07-092024-07-092023ROJCO, Anatolii, HEGHEA, Ecaterina. Accesibilitatea economică a populaţiei Republicii Moldova la serviciile locativ-comunale. In: Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges „Management of Public Policies: National Selfishness vs. Planetary Responsibility”: international symposium, 12th edition, May 18th - 19th, 2023. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2023, pp. 178-190. ISBN 978 - 606 - 8716 - 71 - 8.978 - 606 - 8716 - 71 - 8 în lb. rom. Abstract în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 189-190 (4 titl.). JEL Classification: L97, B55, R31, R32, G29.The article substantiates the expediency of using indicators related to household consumer spending when assessing the economic accessibility of housing and communal services. The central place among them is occupied by the indicator “share of expenses for payment of housing and communal services in total household consumer spending”. Its analysis led to the conclusion that in 2019-2021 the economic accessibility of the population of the Republic of Moldova to housing and communal services increased, but in 2022 it significantly decreased. To compare the accessibility of housing and communal services for the population of the Republic of Moldova and foreign countries, the statistical data were brought to comparable values. It is shown that in no other EU country when paying for utilities there is such a big burden on household budgets as in the Republic of Moldova. The main reason for this situation is the establishment of high tariffs for water supply and sewerage, as well as for the use of energy resources.otherhousingcommunal serviceseconomic accessibilitysharecosts for paymentconsumer spendingtariffsutilitiesRepublic of MoldovaAccesibilitatea economică a populaţiei Republicii Moldova la serviciile locativ-comunaleArticle