Gavrilescu, Camelia2023-09-132023-09-132011GAVRILESCU, Camelia. Recent evolutions of agrifood Romanian trade. In: Economic growth in conditions of internationalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile internaționalizării : international scientific and practical conference, VI-th edition, october 20-21, 2011, Chisinau. Chisinau: IEFS, 2011, vol. II, pp. 124-129. ISBN 978-9975-4176-7-9.978-9975-4176-7-9 lb. engl. Abstract: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 129 (3 titl.).The present paper is empirically analyzing the evolution of the Romanian postaccession agrifood trade with EU, and its placement among the other Member States. In the EU statistics, for international comparisons, only the trade with non-member states (extra-community trade) is considered as external trade.enagrifood tradeexternal tradecomert agroalimentarcomert externRomaniaRecent evolutions of agrifood Romanian tradeArticle