Cucirevii, Vladimir2020-02-062020-02-062011CUCIREVII, Vladimir. Aspecte actuale ale politicii de reforme structurale în sectorul de construcţii = Some aspects of the structural policy reforms in the construction sector. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2011, nr. 1, pp. 66-72. ISSN 1857-4130.1857-4130 p. 72 (4 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. Recenzent: Gheorghe ILIADI,dr. hab., prof. cercet., IEFS.In the period between the 2001-2008, the construction sectorof the Republic of Moldova has developed in satisfactory growth rates. The houing construction till 2008,was growing up with rising growth rates, but due to the financial crisis that has affected this sector in 2009, the usage of the new houses fell with 34.3% in comparison with 2008. The number of apartments that are built each year is increasing, with the exception of 2009 and 2010 due to financial crisis. State support is also present in this sector through various levers and measures in order to improve the situation.ensectorul de constructiiinvestitiicapital fixlucrari de constructie-montajfond de risccreditare ipotecarapolitica tarifaracredite preferentialeactivitati licentiateconstruction sectorfixed capitalinvestmentconstruction-assemblyventure fundmortgageAspecte actuale ale politicii de reforme structurale în sectorul de construcţiiSome aspects of the structural policy reforms in the construction sectorArticle