Iatisin, Tatiana2022-05-102022-05-102020ЯЦИШИН, Татьян. Развитие винного туризма в Республике Молдова. In: XXI əsrdə beynəlxalq iqtisadi munasibətlərin prioritet istiqamətləri = Priority directions of international economic relations in the XXI century": Proceedings of the International Scientific Practice Conference, May 22, 2020 Bakı. Bakı: Mütərcim, 2020, pp. 39-42. ISBN 978-9952-28-532-1.978-9952-28-532-1https://rses.ince.md/handle/123456789/1539Referințe: p. 42 (10 titl.).In the Republic of Moldova, viticulture and wine tourism are promising and profitable areas odevelopment. Viticulture is of great importance for the local agricultural sector. Republic of Moldova has great potential for the development of wine tourism - the country has a rich history related to wine and winemaking. Wine tourism for Republic oMoldova is a developing segment, which is constantly progressing. The length of the ―Wine Route of Moldova‖ is more than1560 km and includes three wine-growing regions with protected geographical indications - IGP (Indicazione GeograficaProtetta): Codru, Valul lui Train, Stefan Voda, with visits to 28 wine cellars, 12 wineries, 27 cultural and wine-making eventsand a dozen wine-gastronomic and entertaining discoveries.rusawine sectorviticulturewine tourismsectorul vitivinicolviticulturaturismul vinicolRepublic of MoldovaRepublica MoldovaРазвитие винного туризма в Республике МолдовArticle