Gribincea, Corina2021-03-302021-03-302015GRIBINCEA, Corina. The matrix of energy management – an efficient management tool for food industry of the Republic of Moldova. In: Scientific Papers. Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development. 2015, vol. 15, issuse 1, pp. 181-186. ISSN 2284-7995; E-ISSN 2285-3952.2284-7995 article analysed the evolution and currentpractice of engineering and economic approach regarding the issue of efficient energy management in food entreprises from the Republic of Moldova. The problem of reducing energy costs in addition to energy price growth factor has a major impact on managerial effort to reduce energy consumption. In this sense, the matrix of energy management is an effective tool for strategy and monitoring the efforts achieved in energy management in food enterprises, and the problem of minimizing energy costs is presented as an isoquant map described by classical production function.enenergy managementfood entreprisematrixefficientsRepublic of MoldovaThe matrix of energy management – an efficient management tool for food industry of the Republic of MoldovaArticle