Stratan, AlexandruSavelieva, GalinaCotelnic, VeraZaharov, Svetlana2018-07-162018-07-162013СТРАТАН, Aлександр, САВЕЛЬЕВА, Галина, КОТЕЛЬНИК, Вера, ЗАХАРОВ, Светлана (2013). Трудовая миграция : проблемы и реалии. In: Analele Institutului de Economie, Finanţe şi Statistică. 2013, pp. 139-146. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.978-9975-4326-6-51857-3630 în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 146(19 titl.). JEL Classification: J1, J6, R23.Migration phenomena is considered in the article how the complex social process involving many aspects ofsocial-economic development of many countries. The main migration flows vector of labour migrants from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine is directed to Russia and represent shor-and medium-term migration. It should be noted, that the regulation and management of labour migration are one of most important issuesotherlabour migrationmanagement of labour migrationmigration flowsТрудовая миграция : проблемы и реалииArticle