Vinogradova, Valentina2018-07-162018-07-162013VINOGRADOVA, Valentina (2013). Dependenţa sărăciei de tipul gospodăriilor casnice în Republica Moldova şi ţările Uniunii Europene. In: Analele Institutului de Economie, Finanţe şi Statistică. 2013, pp. 155-158. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.978-9975-4326-6-51857-3630 în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 158(3 titl.). JEL Classification: I3, J12, R2, Z13.Demographic characteristics of households affect the entry/absence of households in poverty. Both in the Republic of Moldova and in the EU on the whole, four types of households are at risk to be in the group of the poor: one person households; households consisting of a single parent with children; households with many children and extended households with children, consisting of members of several generations.otherhouseholdspovertyrisk of povertypoverty levelpovertyRepublic of MoldovaEuropean UnionDependenţa sărăciei de tipul gospodăriilor casnice în Republica Moldova şi ţările Uniunii EuropeneArticle