Stratan, AlexandruChistruga, MarcelRojco, AnatoliiAculai, ElenaFala, AlexandruColesnicova, TatianaClipa, VictoriaSeptelici, VioricaVragaleva, VeronicaNovac, AlexandraLucasenco, EugeniaToaca, ZinoviaOlarescu, ZahariaLorenzo Capussela, Andrea2019-09-302019-09-302011STRATAN, Alexandru, CHISTRUGA, Marcel, ROJCO, Anatolii, ACULAI, Elena, FALA, Alexandru, COLESNICOVA, Tatiana, CLIPA, Victoria, SEPTELICI, Viorica, VRAGALEVA, Veronica, NOVAC, Alexandra, LUCASENCO, Eugenia, TOACA, Zinovia, OLARESCU, Zaharia, LORENZO CAPUSSELA, Andrea. Moldovan Economic Trends. Institute of Economy, Finance and Statistics. Chişinău: IEFS, 2011, no 2 (Q II), 156 p. ISSN 1857-3134.1857-3134 Moldovan Economic Trends is a quarterly publication, producedwith the assistance of the European Union. The contents of thispublication are the sole responsibility of Institute of Economy, Financeand Statistics andcan in no way be taken to reflect the views of theEuropean Union.enproductionpricesexchange ratesfinanceexternal sectorbusiness environmentMoldovan Economic Trends, no 2 (Q II, 2011)Other