Colesnicova, TatianaCiobanu, Mihail2022-03-282022-03-282020COLESNICOVA, Tatiana, CIOBANU, Mihail. Attitudes of moldovan employees towards some issues concerning the employment by gender in the Republic of Moldova = Atitudinile angajaților moldoveni fața de anumite problem ale ocupării în funcție de gen din Republica Moldova. In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a Euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere. Iași, 2020, vol. XXXVII, pp. 113-121. ISBN 978-606-685-742-0.978-606-685-742-0țe: p. 121 (4 titl.). JEL classification: J16, J21, J24, J71, M54.One the current issues that society is facing and that is acutely perceived is gender discrimination. Besides many countries that have been involved in the fight against this multifaceted phenomenon Republic of Moldova is involved, too. A number of studies have covered various aspects of this phenomenon in the country, but in this paper will be identified the actual perception of gender discrimination of Moldovan employees, the types of gender discrimination that employees from Republic of Moldova face from their own perception and the perceived severity of gender discrimination by gender, facets that were scarcely covered in other studiesenemployeesequalitygender discriminationRepublic of Moldovaangajatiegalitatediscriminare de genRepublica MoldovaAttitudes of moldovan employees towards some issues concerning the employment by gender in the Republic of MoldovaAtitudinile angajaților moldoveni fața de anumite problem ale ocupării în funcție de gen din Republica MoldovaArticle