Sadoveanu, Diana2023-09-272023-09-272011SADOVEANU, Diana. An assessment of the equilibrium exchange rate for moldavian leu applying the BEER model. In: Economic growth in conditions of internationalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile internaționalizării : international scientific and practical conference, VI-th edition, october 20-21, 2011, Chisinau. Chisinau: IEFS, 2011, vol. II, pp. 381-386. ISBN 978-9975-4176-7-9.978-9975-4176-7-9 lb. engl. Abstract: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 386 (6 titl.).In order to analyze the long-run sustainability of the Moldavian leu against the euro, is estimated the equilibrium exchange rate, using the BEER model and are determined the total misalignments of the real exchange rate. The variables used are: the degree of openness, the productivity differential, the real interest rate differential, and the net foreign assets.encurs de schimbleul moldovenescmodelul BEERechilibruexchangeBEER modelAn assessment of the equilibrium exchange rate for moldavian leu applying the BEER modelArticle