Cusnir, Liliana2021-03-302021-03-302015CUŞNIR, Liliana. Copiii instituţionalizaţi: cauze, consecinţe, opţiuni de prevenire. In: Revista de Filozofie, Sociologie şi Ştiinţe Politice. 2015, nr. 2, pp. 221-230. ISSN 1857-2294.1857-2294 în lb. rom., abstract în lb. eng. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 229-230 (14 titl.).As is common in the region, Moldova has traditionally relied on institutionalization of children as a protection measure. Poverty and limited family support services at community level led to placement of thousands of children from poor families and of children with disabilities in residential care. This is beginning to change, and the country has made great progress in reforming the system; with 60% fewer children in residential care now than just ten years ago. Moldova relied heavily on the institutionalization of children as a protection measure. Poverty and limited family support services at the community level led to placement of thousands of children from poor families and of children with disabilities in residential care. Loss of parental care in Moldova is caused by a complex array of underlying and immediate factors, including: household poverty; violence, abuse and neglect at home; parental migration; lack of access to quality education and healthcare and a lack of social protection services close to home.rom.childreninstitutionalizationdeinstitutionalizationsocial protectionresidential careabandonmentalternative carelegislationstrategyreformingpovertycopiii institutionalizatiingrijire rezidentialaprotectie socialaabandonCopiii instituţionalizaţi: cauze, consecinţe, opţiuni de prevenireArticle