Balan, MarianaBalan, Gheorghe-StelianAlstom, S. C.2024-01-292024-01-292012BĂLAN, Mariana, BĂLAN, Gheorghe-Stelian, ALSTOM, S. C. Ocuparea, șomajul și inserția tinerilor pe piața muncii în condițiile dezvoltării durabile în România. In: Economic growth in conditions of globalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării : international scientific and practical conference, VII-th edition, october 18-19, 2012, Chisinau. Chisinau: IEFS, 2012, vol. III, pp. 36-41. ISBN 978-9975-4381-1-7.978-9975-4381-1-7 lb. rom. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 41 (8 titl.).Employment in Romania recorded developments, processes and trends that reflect direct and indirect influences of the national economic system. Economic and financial crisis were manifested on the labor market too, characterized by lower rates of employment and higher rates of unemployment. In this context youth employment rate decreased, their unemployment rate increased, leading to a low insertion of young people in the labor market. This paper presents a brief characterization of the labor market in the European Union and Romania. Of the multitude of problems facing the young labor market, in this paper is analyzed the evolution of unemployment population aged 15-24 years. It also presents the results of statistical analysis of the evolution of Romanian university educational supply, on the training areas and some advantages of using young workforce for Romanian sustainable development.otherocuparesomajtineripiata munciidezvoltare durabilaRomaniaOcuparea, șomajul și inserția tinerilor pe piața muncii în condițiile dezvoltării durabile în RomâniaArticle