Bajura, Tudor2020-06-192020-06-192018BAJURA, Tudor. De la consolidarea suprafeţelor agricole spre concentrarea capitalului şi creşterea productivităţii muncii. In: Lucrări ştiinţifice. Univ. Agrară de Stat din Moldova. 2018, vol. 50: Economie, pp. 15-18. ISBN 978-9975-64-299-6.978-9975-64-299-6 p. 18 (4 titl.)Being the main subject of socio-economic reforms in the rural area at the transition from a super-centralized economy to the one based on market relations, agricultural land remained in the focus of local reformators and at the post-privatization stage. This time the issue of the non-admission of excessive particularization of agricultural land plots has become widely discussed, the negative consequences of which could have been destroy the positive effect of the mass privatization of both: agricultural areas and other means of production. The goal was reached. Almost 2/3 of the total agricultural output is currently the result of large and / or medium-sized agricultural enterprises. At the same time, according to the more detailed analysis, we can see that the area of cereal, technical and fodder crops predominates absolutely (almost 1460,6 thousand ha of the total 1519,5 thousand ha of sown areas) and relatively - 96,1%. The low added value of the overwhelming majority of cereal and technical crops, their subsequent marketing price (including foreign markets) in the form of agricultural raw materials, which usually barely covers even production costs, obviously do not create additional jobs in rural areas, but, above all, does not contribute to raising the level of profitability of the agrarian sector. Hence, the enormous debts of agricultural enterprises, the low level of occupation of the rural population, the massive emigration of the inhabitants of the Moldovan villages (primarily young people) in the cities and municipalities of the Republic of Moldova but also abroad. In essence, the consolidation of agricultural land has indeed contributed to the decrease in the share of idle land plots, but neither the expected economic effect has ensured. Hence the need to change the basic paradigm of the agrarian sector development, reflected in the name of article.otheragricultureagrarian sectoragricultural householdseconomic dimensionslabor productivityproductivitatea munciigospodarie agricolaDe la consolidarea suprafeţelor agricole spre concentrarea capitalului şi creşterea productivităţii munciiArticle