Morozniuc, IonIatisin, Tatiana2021-11-052021-11-052016MOROZNIUC, Ion, IAŢIŞIN, Tatiana. Development trends of public finances in Moldova. In: The journal contemporary economy = Revista Economia Contemporană. 2016, vol. 1, nr. 1, pp. 127-132. ISSN 2537-4222.2537-4222ţe bibliografice: p.132 (5 titl.). Clasificare JEL: G0, G3, G30, G31.This publication reflects the results of a study on the evolution of public finances in Moldova. Difficulties in the economy usually translate on the general government account that no longer able to serve as an effective and efficient instrument for supporting the vulnerable, since the vulnerability is directly proportional to economic stagnation. Along the way, the evolution of public finances has not been accompanied by a genuine promotion of structural reforms, which would have encouraged the sustainable development of the national economy.enpublic financeeconomic growthnational strategymanagementevolutionpublic revenuesbalancepublic expenditurebudget deficitWorld BankInternational Monetary Fundgross domestic productpublic national budgetDevelopment trends of public finances in MoldovaArticle